
After All These Years, Debra Winger Still Can't Stand Shirley MacLaine's Guts

Mark Graham · 06/09/08 07:20PM

It's been 25 years since Terms Of Endearment arrived in the multiplexes of America, turning virtually everyone who saw it into an emotional basketcase. And while the film swept most of the major awards at the 1984 Academy Awards, there was one integral member of the cast who left the L.A. County Music Center that night less than thrilled. That person was Debra Winger, who was none too pleased that her co-star and arch rival Shirley MacLaine took home the coveted Best Actress Award. Not only were the two on-set rivals (one potentially tall tale had Winger farting in MacLaine's face), but MacLaine famously shouted "I deserve this!" when her name was called over Winger's that night.

Tonight, Make It A Benihana Night!

Mark Graham · 06/09/08 06:45PM

Although it's probably safe to say that hipster DJ douche / heir to the Benihana fortune Steve Aoki* and Cobrasnake-girlfriend-cum-waify-ingenue Cory Kennedy* are both on the downside of their respective career trajectories, that doesn't mean that we're not thrilled as heck to have them walk us through this evening's To Do's. After all, if you're looking to spend your Monday night blowing rails and dancing your American Apparel'd ass off to the latest Crystal Castles remix while some curly haired dude with a really bad 'stache and a digital camera keeps trying to convince you to pop your top so he can take pseudo-artsy pictures of you and post them to the internet, well, we'd be hard-pressed to find two more qualified people in the entire city of Los Angeles to let you know where those kind of shenanigans are going down than these two. Enjoy!

Dina Lohan, Mother Of The Century: “I Was Called Spider Legs, Carpenter’s Dream, Flat As A Board”

Molly Friedman · 06/09/08 05:50PM

In our second edition of Living Lohan’s most valuable lessons as taught by Professor Dina, we couldn’t help being distracted by our studies in good parenting by upcoming rapper Ali’s sudden, unexpected and quite exciting new personality. Did the former zombie-ish little Lohan really just throw a fit? Yell at the almighty Dina? As captivated as we were by this week’s tips from Dina, lovingly crafted by Defamer Video Vixen Molly McAleer, we must note our newfound appreciation for this screaming version of little Ali. It’s like, we can’t put our finger on how exactly she’s changed but, oh wait! Yes, she’s showing her very first signs of Becoming Lindsay. Finally, the process begins. With that, we present three rules of manicured thumb we learned from the big D last night:

Presence Of Iron Man Meant To Reassure A Restless Fanboy Nation That 'Hulk' Will Get It Right

Seth Abramovitch · 06/09/08 04:25PM

While it's tracking nicely and all set to smash Friday the 13th's other green menace—The Happening—into M. Night Smithereens, Universal is still not taking any chances on getting The Incredible Hulk word out. Besides the new one-sheet featuring a Herb Rittsian, rear-view shot of the verdant one filling out a pair of Levis HulkFit™ jeans (one must never underestimate the power of the all-mighty gay dollar!), a new TV spot puts what was supposed to be a surprise cameo—Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Starke, aka Iron Man, aka the new Marvel-Universal Quality Assurance Seal of Approval mascot—at the very top, there to ease the concerns of a traumatized fanboy nation who still wake up in cold nightsweats screaming, "ANG LEE'S TAKE ON THE MATERIAL WAS ENTIRELY TOO CLINICAL AND ROBBED OF ALL HULK-SMASH PASSION!" The two may eventually go on to fight alongside one another in The Avengers movie, something hinted at by Iron Man's own super-secret-surprise cameo—which revealed itself only to moviegoers who sat through the credits. If you missed it, it's after the jump:

Prepare To Never Again Have A Private Moment At A Bar

Nick Douglas · 06/09/08 02:56PM

The new iPhone will let you broadcast your location to people through a program called Loopt. And because this phone is now just 200 bucks, it'll finally become an industry standard instead of a fringe geek toy. So get ready for the biggest annoying shift in your social life since Facebook, because Loopt is about to do for the world what a little site called Dodgeball did for the Gawker crowd in 2004.

Joel Silver Expands 'The Matrix' to Include Job Counseling For Denise Richards

STV · 06/09/08 02:45PM

We were with Joel Silver up to a point in his career-counseling session last night with Denise Richards, whose professional fork in the road towered above the myriad harrowing dilemmas faced on It's Complicated. Playboy encore? B-movies? Something more conservative? How about more television, suggested Silver and his right-hand woman Susan Downey — a sitcom, maybe? Something to highlight the actress's sterling sense of humor and cosmic, cosmetic comeliness? She was so good on Spin City, you know? And the hours are convenient for a mother! More importantly, however: What would Neo from The Matrix do? We're not sure if Richards plans to take Silver's advice or if she just always looks the way she does at the end of the scene; you be the judge after the jump. [E!]

Gina Gershon Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Man, Mr. Clinton

Pareene · 06/09/08 12:08PM

There is a rumor going around that Bill Clinton totes kissed Gina Gershon. Perhaps you first heard of this rumor here? 30,000 of you might have. This rumor got reported as one of the many things unnamed Clinton "advisors" were worried about in the recent Vanity Fair piece about Bill Clinton's messy business dealings and possibly scandalous personal life. Which led to Bill calling the piece's reporter a "scumbag" and now, because of the heat and probably because of Britney Spears' tears-of-a-clown-car, popular actress Gina Gershon denied sexing the former president on Regis and Kelly this morning. This is, of course, Ron Burkle's fault.

Fox Blonde Warns of Obama's "Terrorist Fist Jab"

Pareene · 06/09/08 10:51AM

We tried to explain that Barack Obama's exchanging of respect knuckles with his lovely wife was NO BIGGIE, but in writing about it, all we really did was add to the deluge of maddening idiocy. The most repellent reading comes, of course, from Fox News, who actually ask if perhaps the fist-bump was "a terrorist fist jab." Then they bring on a body-language expert to analyze what is a modified high-five, people. WE WARNED YOU. So let's watch E.D. Hill and her legs explain what that crazy threatening fist thing was!

Video confirms Mozilla's Toronto offices truly are the worst in tech

Nicholas Carlson · 06/09/08 10:00AM

I spent the better part of today at Mozilla's offices in Toronto - the workspace Vallewag labeled as 'the worst in tech'. Mozilla's Toronto office is far from the worst tech workspace I've ever seen - in fact I'd rank it among the best small office spaces in tech I've visited.

Capturing Jon Friedman

Pareene · 06/09/08 09:27AM

Jon Friedman, the superlative media columnist for MarketWatch, wants to say just one word to you. Just one word. Are you listening? Web. There's a great future in the web. Just think about it. Friedman himself has embraced this "web," it seems, and now he has a little YouTube thing where he will explain the future of the media to you in one minute or less, every week. If you have never heard or seen Friedman, it is an enlightening experience! For example, now we understand why he doesn't "get" Anderson Cooper. But Friedman's is a reassuring message—that there is room for all of us on this "web," regardless of age, appearance, or ability to craft and present a compelling opinion. (Video after the jump!)

Amy Winehouse's Racist Song

Ryan Tate · 06/09/08 04:20AM

The latest awful thing druggie singer Amy Winehouse has done is to sing a racist song on camera, set to the tune of children's song "Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" but with racial slurs substituted for body parts. The British singer's racist ditty was recorded a year ago by husband Blake Fielder-Civil, who swore the videocamera wasn't on. Britain's News Of The World, which released the video, said Winehouse appeared to be in some sort of "dingy crack den." If some terrible bigoted crap like this has to come out, it might as well come out now — Winehouse is so far down the road of self-destruction that a disaster of this scale was considered pretty much inevitable, and the fact that she was goaded and high will help blunt the backlash. Video of the song, if you care to watch it, is after the jump.

Who's Trying To Convince Everyone That Cell Phones Pop Popcorn?

Nick Douglas · 06/09/08 03:25AM

A new handful of YouTube videos supposedly show cell phones popping popcorn. The method: Surround kernels with a few cell phones and call the phones. When they ring, the kernels pop. The videos have gotten a couple million combined views, and they've seemingly convinced many commenters to fear phones, despite the several obvious signs that they're fake.

Democratic Primary In Eight Minutes

Ryan Tate · 06/08/08 07:12PM

Slate put together an eight-minute video of basically everything that happened in the Democratic primar... Wait! It's an excellent video! See, the primary may have been near-eternal mental torture that ate away at our nation's soul, but it's all over, so now we can sit back and laugh at the lowlights, and forget that we ever thought about jamming ice picks into our ears. I, for one, had somehow completely forgotten about the Obama headdress scandal and Samantha Powers calling Hillary Clinton a dragon. And when the term "viability threshold" entered the zeitgeist (wait, did that last one ever actually happen?). Laugh and cry and, hopefully, forget, with the video after the jump.

One More Thing: Movies' Most Awesomely Lovable Losers

ian spiegelman · 06/08/08 06:02PM

Stoners, drunks, hypochondriacs, neurotics, dumb-asses, freaks, nerds-guys and gals that just cannot for the life of them get their shit together! They're the freaking best! They rule movies just like monkeys rule all animal videos! Who is your favorite silver screen fuck-up character? I'm going with someone deliciously obvious for starters.

More Video of New York Times Copycat Spider-Man

ian spiegelman · 06/08/08 02:38PM

Turns out New York Times Building climber #2 Rey Clarke is pals with editor Cindy Casares' roommate, who shot her own video of Clarke's 52-story adventure from the moment the nutty "malaria activist" left the street. It's below.

One More Thing: The Greatest Movie Speeches of All Time

ian spiegelman · 06/07/08 07:17PM

Every now and then a movie offers up a few lines of dialogue that sneaks its way past our snarky, cynical waking minds and inserts itself right into our mushy little hearts. It happens rarely, but when it does, our eyes get all stupid and crinkly and our faces contort and the skin on our necks gets all hot. When has that happened to you? My choice after the jump.

Brangelina Impostors Running Amok!

Mark Graham · 06/06/08 07:20PM

With the possible exception of a Double Double with Animal Style fries, nothing goes down better after a long work week like a heaping Dirt Sandwich. Even better? You don't have to wait in line! Much like the ole In-N-Out, Molly McAleer uses nothing but the freshest ingredients when preparing each week's Dirt Sammy. Whether it's watching a makeup-less Tatum O'Neal get carted away by the cops or breathlessly awaiting to find out the outcome of what happened when Universal Studios explodes into flames with Steven Spielberg in the middle of the inferno (!), we guarantee that this week's Dirt Sandwich will satiate your weekly cravings for mental junk food. As always, enjoy!

Amateur Lesbian Lindsay Lohan Thrills to Her First Gay Pride Weekend

STV · 06/06/08 04:20PM

In a warm-up for her long-awaited trip back in front of the camera, Lindsay Lohan paid a visit to Defamer videographer Molly McAleer for a run through this weekend's essential to do's. And LiLo clearly hasn't missed a beat, springing out of the Cannes closet and back into Los Angeles just in time to make her gay pride debut. We, too, are proud to welcome her, and we hope a free, frolicsome weekend with Sam Ronson and the rest of the sisters bodes well for the breakthroughs to come. Follow the jump for all the can't-miss action.

Willie Nelson Is Fucking The Wilson Brothers, Jessica Simpson, Woody Harrelson, And Dan Rather

Molly Friedman · 06/06/08 03:50PM

We can say with complete confidence that we have never been more confused, astonished, entertained, and oddly turned on by a music video than we are today, when we witnessed the magic of Willie Nelson’s “You Don’t Think I’m Funny Anymore.” What sounds incredibly boring turns out to be a tasty Southern stew featuring cameos from Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson, Woody Harrelson, Jessica Simpson, and Dan Rather. The casting kind of makes sense (Luke did that Movie That Shall Not Be Named with Jessica, Willie loves Jessica, Woody loves Owen, and Dan Rather is, well, available these days?), but whoever directed this clusterfuck of pool-hall scenes, lawn mower races and eerily quick flashes of an obese redneck wearing an “I (Heart) Owen” t-shirt has nevertheless managed to surpass Gondry in kookiness, surpass the Coens in suspense, and pretty much serve up the most bizarre clip we’ve seen yet this year. See what we mean after the jump. [People]