
Defamer Exclusive! Two More Alternate 'Lost' Season Finale Endings!

Seth Abramovitch · 05/30/08 12:25PM

Last night's Lost season finale—spoilers ahead—was as gripping as TV comes. (Even if you're like us and stopped watching regularly somewhere around Season Two, thus forcing you to concoct your own cockamamie plotlines. We've now settled on the island being a secret Revlon animal-testing facility from which no one escapes alive.) No sooner had we recovered from the hapless bunny accidentally sent back to King Arthur's Court, when googly-eyed island bully Ben dislodged the Land-Mass-Disappearing Frozen Donkey Wheel of Doom.

Men Seeing 'Sex and the City': Why?

Pareene · 05/30/08 10:37AM

Sex and the City is the only thing happening in the world today, which made us wonder [Note: that is the only 'Sex and the City' joke I know]: what kind of dude went to see this movie? Gawker videographer Alex Goldberg lurked outside the Union Square movie theater last night and aggressively questioned all the men of the male persuasion waiting in line for the most important film event of our time. Why were they there? The answer was not always "to get laid." Though that was pretty much the answer with the straight guys. You fools! Didn't you watch the damn movie? Your ladyfriend will only have sex with you if you buy them fancy clothes and propose marriage. The whole scene looks like an amazing shitshow. "Cosmos? No, I had a metropolitan, though, and a White Russian."

Report: NBC Universal and private equity bid $3.5 billion for Weather Channel and

Nicholas Carlson · 05/30/08 10:20AM

Joining with private equity firms Blackstone and Bain Capital, NBC Universal bid $3.5 billion to acquire the Weather Channel and The cable channel is available in 97 percent of all cable TV home and has 96 million U.S. subscribers. With its local coverage and the always popular schadenfreude-laced disaster porn excerpted in the video above, can claim a "people count" of 19 million in the U.S., according to Compete.

"Dunkin Donuts is one of our sponsors," Idiot!

Hamilton Nolan · 05/30/08 09:57AM

The anchor of Fox's "Good Day New York" thinks this Rachael Ray/ Dunkin' Donuts controversy (recap: Celebuchef Ray wore a keffiyeh in an ad, right-wingers were outraged, the company pulled the ad) is so stupid. It is! When the story came up this morning, he acknowledged that he can't stand Rachael Ray and doesn't even care what this controversy is about. Cue co-anchor Jodi Applegate leaning over and hissing (audibly): "Dunkin Donuts is one of our sponsors." His backtracking is magical! Please, click to watch this moment of journalistic integrity in action.

Manhattan Crane Collapse Devastation

Hamilton Nolan · 05/30/08 08:24AM

At least two people were killed when a construction crane collapsed on Manhattan's Upper East Side shortly after 8 a.m. this morning. In this clip—with breaking shots of what can only be described as carnage from the scene—a reporter explains the crane's unfortunate configuration: it was actually hanging all the way over the street below, like a "gondola." Its collapse damaged at least 18 floors of a nearby apartment building. This is the second major crane collapse in the city in as many months. Click to watch the clip.

Obama's Doctor Confirms He's Pretty Hot

Ryan Tate · 05/30/08 07:34AM

Following in the footsteps of 71-year-old miracle of modern medical technology John McCain, Barack Obama released information on his medical health. Instead of 1,200 pages, like McCain, Obama just put out a simple note from his doctor that concluded he was in "excellent health." Before that, though, it said a full-body (ahem) examination revealed the Democratic presidential candidate's "build was lean and muscular with no excess body fat," which you kind of knew, but it's nice to get confirmation from someone who has seen Obama, you know, all over. Also, "his diet was balanced with good intake of roughage and fluids." But what is the doctor trying to tell us with this: "A complete review of systems was unremarkable." Either that's a nod to the monstrous-in-more-ways-than-one vice president, or he just means Obama isn't a walking catalog of ailments like McCain, whose health (or lack thereof) is lampooned in the Daily Show clip after the jump.

Murdoch On "Ridiculous" Journal Editing (And Obama)

Ryan Tate · 05/30/08 12:45AM

When News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch decided to sit down for a rare, on-camera interview, it was of course with two reporters from his own media empire, Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher of the Wall Street Journal. In this clip from the Journal's D conference in Carlsbad, California, Murdoch explains how he thinks the Journal and Times will be competing aggressively with one another on all stories — business, political or otherwise — within just "a few months." He also rants about how it's "ridiculous" that an average of 8.3 editors looks at a typical WSJ story, inevitable expanding it beyond reason. "People don't have time for it — there's not a story that you can't get all the facts in (within) half the space." Also: Murdoch confirms he was involved in the Post's decision to switch its allegiance from Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama.

Absolut Hunk Explains Why 'SATC' Tracks So Weakly On Mars

Seth Abramovitch · 05/29/08 08:25PM

· Leave it to the unlikely arena of a TRL interview with Jason Lewis for a probing analysis of the lopsided gender-divide among SATC fans. (To Lewis's credit, he never once utters the phrase, "Cause they're, like, old and not hot.") [MTV]
· It's the Burn After Reading red band trailer! We think we just witnessed the Coens' greatest work since really-gay-sounding Anton Chigurh chilled us to the very core. [/Film]
· Celebrity Bogus-Rehab-Excuse Theater now continues with Steve Tyler's shocking admission that his recent stint was only to give his aching tootsies a chance to heal. Yeah, right. Maybe from the needle marks between their toes! [Reuters]
· All-purpose furry-footed fantasy creature James McAvoy is rumored to be favored for the lead in The Hobbit. []
· At, you look at a photo of a celebrity, then submit the first word or phrase that comes to your mind, then can glance at a tag cloud mapping what everyone else submitted. It sounds pointless, but it's kind of addictive. Look out for the billboard-sized word used to describe Sarah Jessica Parker. Meanies! [celeb tags]

Ladies Of 'The View' Pander Shamelessly To Lesbian-Friendly Emmy Voters

Seth Abramovitch · 05/29/08 06:15PM

Asked to assess their Daytime Emmy chances, straight-talking Gay and the City Mario Cantone pointed out for the ladies of The View that voting traditionally favors the lesbian nominee, effectively shutting them out of the race. Still, it wasn't too late to mount an 11th hour, for-your-team-swapping-consideration campaign; before long, the proceedings had devolved into a shocking, four-way sapphic hug-in orgy, the likes of which daytime TV hasn't seen since New Jersey Disney Channel-watchers accidentally glimpsed a portion of Anal Gang Bang Co-Ed Sluts #19. [The View]

Easy-Meal Jihadist Rachael Ray Promised 72 Extra-Virgins In Paradise

Seth Abramovitch · 05/29/08 02:35PM

When leading fried-treat purveyors Dunkin' Donuts hired Rachael Ray to represent their brand, they had no way of knowing the white-trash-cooking guru would use that platform to further her own take on the United States of America as a Satan-loving nation that wallows like a pregnant desert jackal in a cesspit of its own making. Unfortunately, that was exactly the message delivered by her Middle Eastern-influenced accessorizing choices, and the internet ad featuring Ray wrapped in a keffiyeh and sucking thirstily on a cruller-flavored latté has since been pulled from their site. Yes, Ray's extremist leanings are shocking, but should come as no surprise to regular The Rachel Ray Show watchers who found it nearly impossible to come up with the "blood of a thousand Zionist filth-dogs" component of her Extra Chee-Z Shells n' Cheese recipe, no matter how many specialty markets they searched in.

CBS, meet your new anchorwoman

Owen Thomas · 05/29/08 01:40PM

CNET TV personality Natali Del Conte has recorded outtakes from her Loaded Web-video show. The highlight: Del Conte's reinterpretation of Flashdance. This makes us think of an obvious synergy play, now that CBS is buying CNET. CNET hired Del Conte and moved her to New York specifically to get her airtime talking about gadgets on the major broadcast networks. CBS, last I checked, is a major broadcast network. If CBS is serious about reversing its news division's aging demographics, CBS should move Loaded from the Web to primetime. Heck, Katie Couric's not doing so well in the anchor seat. Les Moonves, why not give Natali a spin?

Halo 3 Homicide Detective

Nick Douglas · 05/29/08 01:16PM

College Humor spoofs one of those video games that make more money than any blockbuster movie and thus define a generation. The clip below is only funny if you've played online shooters, but according to sales stats that's 90% of you, so we're set.

Sheryl Sandberg defends Facebook's invisible ads

Nicholas Carlson · 05/29/08 09:20AM

Facebook applications don't really do anything special yet. Neither, for that matter, do Facebook's ads. But that's OK, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg insisted yesterday at the D6 conference. Some of the applications, like Slide's SuperPoke, are really popular. Just like Elvis, she says.The comparison fails on two counts.

Jerry Yang practices his proxy-fight politics

Nicholas Carlson · 05/29/08 09:00AM

Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer played golf over the weekend, but neither were able to put the ball in the cup, so to speak. The way Yang put it in his answers to Walt Mossberg's questions at the D6 conference yesterday, a merger between the companies now seems as unlikely as it did the day Ballmer first walked away from negotiating table. "Microsoft is no longer interested in buying the company," Yang said. This news will not please Yahoo shareholders Carl Icahn and his allies, who control at least 29 percent of the company, favor a merger, and have started a proxy fight for control of the company's board. In the above clip, watch how Yang intends to deliver the bad news and fight for his job.

From Chimpan-A To Chimpan-Z

Mark Graham · 05/28/08 08:30PM

· There is no denying that chimpanzees have a proud tradition of cinematic excellence. From BJ And The Bear to Project X, the little rapscallions have earned their place as our favorite animal actors (especially since the bear species has proven themselves to be less than reliable). But as rad as it was when those chimps drove airplanes with Matty Broderick, it doesn't hold a candle to the utter domination of this little chimp playing Jenga on Japanese television. Yes, we said Jenga! [YouTube via AOTS]
· If you are offended by the sight of Robert Downey in blackface in Tropic Thunder, wait til you get a load of an overweight Japanese guy in blackface pretending to be Stevie Wonder in this bizarre tribute to "We Are The World." [Gheorge: The Blog]
· In what will certainly go down as the worst atrocity to happen to the Batman franchise since Joel Schumacher got kicked to the curb, we are disappointed to report that The Dark Knight's got milk. [FilmDrunk]
· "Here’s a napkin someone wrote on for me: 'I will give you a blow job on your break, so sexy! Kim—714-XXX-XXXX.' I would also get offers from women in my ear: 'Anything you want, just find me.' I had a girl who had turned 18 the day before. She was with a high school group, and she wrote down her room number at the Downtown Disney hotel. I had a lady hump my leg one day in the park." Excerpts from Charlie Sheen's post-Denise diary? Nope. Just a day in the life of a Disneyland Jack Sparrow. [LA Mag]
· We're not quite sure exactly why every episode of Twin Peaks is available on — considering the show aired on ABC — but that doesn't mean that we're not grateful. How's Annie? [ via Thighs Wide Shut] looking to sell to CBS?

Jackson West · 05/28/08 07:00PM

Francisco worked for as a reporter for MarketWatch when it was part-owned by CBS, and also worked as a business anchor for San Francisco's KPIX, which is wholly owned by parent network CBS. But that was before an article by CNET reporter Greg Sandoval exposed her ownership stake in the online video startup focused on "innovators" and her financial relationship with Clarium Capital's Peter Thiel, a investor. Sandoval called into question her journalistic independence. Francisco resigned from MarketWatch, now owned by Dow Jones.

Did TMZ Knowingly Infringe On A Gossip Blog's Brand Without Permission?

Mark Graham · 05/28/08 06:15PM

While TMZ isn't exactly known for being on the cutting edge of originality, a segment that aired on last night's program came uncomfortably close to pushing the boundaries of brand (if not copyright) infringement. As we show in the attached video, TMZ aired a segment featuring American Idol finalists David Cook and David Archuleta being mobbed by a posse of paps while making their way through New York's JFK Airport. And, as you might expect, Idol winner David Cook drew the lion's share of the attention, while David Archuleta was left fending off the advances of one particularly enthused paparazzo. TMZ called this moment of potential embarrassment for Cook their "D-Listed Moment Of The Day." This immediately caught our eye because, naturally, we have been longtime fans of the catty gossip blog D-Listed. We reached out to that site's proprietor, Michael K, to find out whether or not he had any knowledge of this usage and he had this to say: "No. I have no idea what that shit is. I'm not involved in it." This news is a tad ironic, considering that D-Listed began its life as The D-List before "Kathy Griffin threatened to kill [their] asses", but it's interesting nonetheless. Making matters even more compelling, it's not exactly like TMZ can claim that they have never heard of the blog, considering it currently occupies a space on their blogroll. As they say, developing...

The passive-aggressive passion of Kara Swisher

Jackson West · 05/28/08 02:40PM

Attempting to edit down Kara Swisher's epic two-part behind-the-scenes opus on the making of D6 into something more manageable, it was hard not to note a certain passive aggression. The deadpan delivery of criticisms quickly couched as attempts at humor, the needling of uncomfortable minions with the constant gaze of her camera and, above all, more than a little envy when it comes to the status her colleague at the Wall Street Journal Walt Mossberg enjoys. At one point, she even asks a staffer who grants access to the conference, "Are you dangling hope and then snatching it away, which was our instruction?" Yes, yes they are.

How Bill Gates hired Steve Ballmer

Nicholas Carlson · 05/28/08 12:40PM

In this clip, excerpted from Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher's interview with Microsoft chairman Bill Gates and CEO Steve Ballmer at the All Things D conference down in Carlsbad, Ballmer explains how Gates hired him during his first year at Stanford business school. Ballmer says Gates called him up and lamented the fact that he "didn't have a twin" he could hire to work at Microsoft. The best part of the tale? Ballmer's voice impersonation of Gates on phone — all squeaky and high-pitched — with his Gatesness sitting right there.