
How To Get Sex Into Video Games

Nick Douglas · 05/28/08 12:31PM

There's no sex in video games. Well, not the real kind like there is in books and movies; just gratuitous cleavage and shallow cut scenes geared toward the current core market of young males. In the clip below Daniel Floyd explains how game makers, if they want their medium to earn respect as a real art form for adults, can bring sex in gaming to maturity.

These "dangerous Indian beauties" cost Michael Eisner $10,000 every two minutes

Nicholas Carlson · 05/28/08 11:20AM

Michael Eisner spent $3,000 for every 90 seconds of footage for his series Prom Queen. His latest series Foreign Body, a promotional vehicle for a new Robin Cook novel, cost more than three times that for each episode. Find the first in the series embedded below. Of course, figures like that are low compared to what it costs to make content for film or TV, but the problem for Eisner is that despite his Web TV company's very Web-y name — Vuguru means "you are the guru of viewing," Eisner once told a reporter — it still hasn't made much money yet. Despite 15 million views, Eisner says he only made a couple thousand dollars on Prom Queen. The series sequel lost money.

God Smites Dirty Hippie For Reading 1984, Fox Reporter Believes

Hamilton Nolan · 05/28/08 10:31AM

The blow-dried, plastic smile-bearing Fox 5 reporter asks Jared Crystal what happened. Jared, the very cultural opposite of the reporter in his ponytail and "Republicans For Voldemort" T-shirt, explains that he was simply sitting in his car, reading 1984—an ordinary night—when a tree limb came crashing down! A scary situation! The reporter grimaces at the disheveled man with the disastrous car. "Reading 1984, and look what it got you!" the reporter says. "Next time read something more easy and calm!" Jared graciously blames Arbor Day, rather than punching the reporter in the face. Click to watch the underlying tension of the media's culture war in action.

Bill Gates's presentation at D6, the four-word version

Owen Thomas · 05/28/08 01:27AM

After being kicked out of D6 — kicked out of mere proximity to D6, really — I learned I didn't miss much. Want a summary of Bill Gates's presentation at D6 of Windows Seven, Microsoft's supposedly exciting new operating system with multitouch features similar to the year-old Apple iPhone? "Windows Seven is bullshit," says Gizmodo editor Brian Lam. Here's to more insights like that at the Four Seasons hotel bar! The highlights reel, in case you're in doubt:

'Ellen' Assistant Quits Job To Ride Rollercoasters

Mark Graham · 05/27/08 08:20PM

· As anyone who has ever done it will attest, there are few feelings more liberating than quitting one's job. The following video is of an assistant on the Ellen show who found himself teetering on the brink of sanity until he up and quit his job on May 20. He describes the decision on his blog as being "an exciting stupid move to prove to myself that I need to keep moving toward my dreams… Every time I’ve made a major move to pursue my dreams I have lost something (2 girlfriends both 3year relationships) but I’ve gotten a step closer. This time around I don’t know what I have to lose… as I look at it right now I have nothing to lose, and those seem to be pretty good odds. If I never do anything, don’t ever say that I didn’t try." Good luck making your Hollywood dreams come true, Delbert. [Delbert Shoopman]
· Finally, a device for those of you who prefer your exercises in misogyny to sound crisp and lifelike! [Videogum]
· A few months ago, we told about the disastrous first screening for Will Ferrell's Step Brothers. Our operative described it as being "less entertaining than Two And A Half Men." From the looks of this preposterous red-band trailer, that description might end up actually being a compliment. [/Film]
· While we're having a hard time fathoming why on earth Kill Bill billboards are still up in New Zealand, the simple fact of the matter is that this is our third favorite billboard of all-time (behind Angelyne and Vincent Gallo's Brown Bunny blowjob). [Copyranter]

Host Joanne Colan Leaves Rocketboom

Nick Douglas · 05/27/08 06:34PM

According to a source at the Creative Artists Agency, host Joanne Colan is leaving Rocketboom, one of the Internet's first prominent news videoblogs. During her tenure, Colan never managed to transform the show (directed by creator Andrew Baron) from a quirky but inscrutable cult favorite into a mainstream online news source. (See for yourself below by watching today's weird episode.) Nor did she achieve the same web fame as her predecessor Amanda Congdon, who left a job with last year.

YouTube Gets Graffiti Writer Fame, Jail

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/08 03:09PM

A tagger in LA named Buket got arrested and charged with inflicting $150,000 worth of property damage with spraypaint. The same could be said for a lot of graf writers, so why is this kid on the front page of the LA Times' website? Because he got famous by posting videos of his most daring bombing expeditions on YouTube! Two of them (including one with almost 170,000 hits) are after the jump. I have to give him props for being brave enough to edge out on that freeway overpass. But then I take away those props because, you know, he got himself arrested by putting his crimes on YouTube.

Sharon Stone's Bold 'Karma Tectonics' Theory Infuriates Chinese Quake Victims

STV · 05/27/08 12:40PM

When Sharon Stone wasn't joking about Sean Combs's crack budget last week at the Cannes Film Festival's high-powered amFar benefit, she took a few minutes on the red carpet to play amateur seismologist for the international press. That went about as well as you'd expect when, only seconds into discussing the humanitarian crisis facing China after the May 12 earthquake that killed more than 67,000 people, Stone attributed the tragedy to... karma?

Watch Google Street View cars on YouTube to know when to hide dogs, horses and drug transactions

Nicholas Carlson · 05/27/08 11:20AM

By now, we know what Google Street View cars look like. They're Prius-esque economy cars with pole-mounted cameras attached to the roof. But the evidence suggests that until you've seen one in action, you can't be sure you'd recognize a Google Street View car in time to hide your dog while it does its duty, cover your breasts, or disguise a drug transaction. So study up on the YouTube videos of Google Street View cars in action that are embedded below. Because so far the only privacies protected by Google belong to Google VP Marissa Mayer and a horse, of course.

The Muppets Take Manhattan

ian spiegelman · 05/25/08 03:30PM

Kermit the Frog, Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Fozzy Bear, Mariel Hemingway, Michael Murphy, Gonzo and Janice team up in this hilarious new comedy about love and sex in Manhattan. If you ask me, that Janice kid is going places fast! Trailer after the jump.

Weezer's Music Video Full Of Web Stars

Nick Douglas · 05/23/08 05:57PM

Weezer's new music video features web stars like Chris Crocker, "Evolution of Dance" guy, Gary Brolsma from "Numa Numa," and Afroninja (who it turns out is a very good stuntman except for that ). And they actually do stuff! In most meme-collecting videos (like this one from the Barenaked Ladies), everyone just shows up; in Weezer's each web meme character is redeemed. The Diet Coke and Mentos guys get to rock out. Afroninja shows that despite that one famous screw-up, he really can kick ass. Chris Crocker is comforted. The narrative and the sheer number of web fads make this the best of its genre. Watch below.

And Introducing Sherri Shepherd As Indinesha Jones

Seth Abramovitch · 05/23/08 04:05PM

· We're sure Karen Allen is telling a very interesting story about how her involvement in the new Indiana Jones movie came about, but we're way too distracted by Sherri Shepherd's ghetto-not-so-fabulous sartorial homage to the legendary adventurer. [The View]
·The name's Jonas. Nick Jonas. Codename: Mooseknuckle. [Just Jared]
· LAist interviews local music legend—and Hotel Cafe Records artist—Jim Bianco. (Who we look like, according to about a half-dozen random people who've come up and told us so on the street.) [LAist]
· Nailed's EKG delivers a steady, ear-piercing shriek, as the production is shut down yet again. [Deadline Hollywood]
· The LAT details everything they observed backstage leading up to Wednesday night's historic American Idol finale. (Spoiler alert: They caught Syesha tucking in the men's room!) [LAT]

Now You See Your Weekend To Do's, Now You Don't

STV · 05/23/08 03:40PM

Nobody plays a better, more spirited prank than Defamer videographer and resident chameleon Molly McAleer. For vivid proof, look no further than her delivery of this weekend's To Do's, never missing a beat while hiding from co-star and BFF Kendall — right in plain sight! Natural wonders never cease, but our work week does, so read up and head out:

Shayne Lamas Fish-Sex Tape!

Seth Abramovitch · 05/23/08 03:16PM

We love Dirt Sandwich, Defamer videographer and ToDoLogist Molly McAleer's weekly exercise in gossip-TV trash-compaction, for so many reasons. Among them, it gives us a chance to spend some time with Harvey Levin and his team of dude-monkeys over at TMZ, who find not-very-funny things (dental floss, Howard the Duck 2) ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL!!! Also in this installment: Charlize Theron in Secrets of the Casting Couch! Shayne Lamas wields a rod! And more cancer! Enjoy.

Weezer understands how to work YouTube: allude to these 24 viral videos

Nicholas Carlson · 05/23/08 10:10AM

Weezer has been geek rock since before I was logging onto the Internet using Prodigy in fifth grade. And who among us never wondered: what's with these homies, dissing my girl? Point is: the band gets the geeks. So it's no surprise that they understand one of the easiest way to go viral on YouTube and across the Web is to make multiple references to videos gone viral before. Check out the band's latest video above, "Pork and Beans," and then below, embeds of all of the viral videos referenced.

More Sue Simmons Cursing Via Letterman

Ryan Tate · 05/23/08 07:25AM

Sue Simmons is the WNBC personality who famously swore at her co-anchor during a live promo last week, scandalizing New York viewers of NBC drama Medium and prompting sympathy from network colleagues on the Today show, who said anyone could slip up like that. But CBS' Late Show host David Letterman isn't about to let the scandal drop; he's milked the incident for all it's worth, airing a new clip of Simmons swearing every night this week. It looks like Letterman plans to make his "Local News Highlight Of The Night" feature a going concern, but making Simmons the butt of his joke every night would get pretty repetitive, wouldn't it? Yes, and actually, knowing Letterman, he can keep up this sort of drumbeat for weeks. After the jump, the four WNBC segments the Late Show has run thus far.

Kat Von D Now Fucking Nikki Sixx

Seth Abramovitch · 05/22/08 08:17PM

· LA Ink star and flaming Star of David tattoo-conceptualizer Kat Von D stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! with her mom and new boyfriend, Nikki Sixx, in tow. Above, she proudly displays the love note Sixx drunkenly etched upon her right shoulder. Oh well—a growling panther head should cover that up nicely. [Jimmy Kimmel Live]

· The pregnant transgendered man has sold his life story, working title Love Makes A Family: A Memoir of Hardship, Healing and an Extraordinary Pregnancy, to St. Martin's Press. We already have some casting ideas for the inevitable movie: No, not Cillian "Peacock" Murphy, he's too obvious. We're thinking Gyllenhaal! (Both of them.) [HuffPo]

· "What happened to that guy?! 'Cause if that guy came back he could totally put it in me." No truer words have ever been spoken, Livejournal user fatherleary. [ONTD]

· Thomas Dekker: The Sashay Chante Chronicles, Part Deux: "You think you own me, left half of my zip-up sweater? Just. You. Watch." [Just Jared]

· Everyone wins on this season's American Idol—even the never-rans: Josiah Leming, the emo kid runaway who lived in his car and saw his dreams smothered by a heartless, Paula-led tribunal, gets signed by freaking Warner Bros. Records. [Reuters]