
Marissa Mayer: "I've never been in the cupcake business; I just like to bake them"

Nicholas Carlson · 04/24/08 05:00PM

Google VP Marissa Mayer likes cupcakes, we learned in Julian Guthrie's profile of her for San Francisco magazine. Mayer likes them so much that the Google exec once created a spreadsheet to maintain a detailed record of the ingredients that go into her favorites. Mayer is not, however, in the cupcake business, she corrects KQED's Michael Krasny in this clip. She's in the cake-sculpting business, thank you very much. Krasny was likely alluding to Mayer's investment in San Francisco art-bakery I Dream of Cake. Mayer, dubbed "Googirl" by San Francisco, is really into frosting: "Vanilla fudge is my favorite. It gives you brain euphoria," she told the magazine.

Arts-and-crafts startup Etsy humiliates new COO with cutesy video

Nicholas Carlson · 04/24/08 12:40PM

Meet Maria Thomas, arts and crafts auction site Etsy's new COO. "Why the heck am I COO?" Thomas asks in a video (embedded below). Her answer: She ran's camera business, back when the site still had navigational tabs. The Brooklyn-based Etsy is already profitable. We're hoping it gets really big, goes public, and catches the eye of New York's insular media. Because we can't wait for the SNL parody of clips like this one:

Befuddled Old Man Has Own TV Show

Pareene · 04/24/08 11:51AM

Last night on Larry King Live a very old man dropped something, accidentally, and didn't notice. Someone gently pointed it out to him, and he looked down, apparently confused as to how that thing ended up in his lap. Mr. King's contract was recently extended through 2010, and apparently that big old-timey radio mic on the desk is just a prop.

Enrique Iglesias's Mole Still Clearly In Love With Him

Seth Abramovitch · 04/23/08 08:28PM

· We realize yesterday's clip sucked, so to make it up to you, here's an interview conducted by Enrique Iglesias's mole with its former host-body that verges on the sublime. []
· Looking for a job? Gavin Polone needs an assistant! It's sure to be a challenging yet incredibly rewarding position for someone aspiring to a career in the industry...BWAAAHAHAHAHA! []
· Smashing Pumpkin's Billy Corgan and Jimmy Chamberlin were inducted to the Rockwalk outside the Guitar Center today, where "a hundred or so fans turned up, outnumbered by the media and assorted band hangers-on." Sheesh, even Reuters is hatin' on the 'kins. [Reuters]
· Universal is suing Lionsgate for stinking up Midnight Run's legacy by putting one of its characters in a Larry the Cable Guy movie. [THR Esq.]
· Noted parrot fetishist Megan Fox tops FHM's poll of the 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2008, while various Jessicas round out the top five. []

Lykke Li's Video For "I'm Good, I'm Gone"

Nick Douglas · 04/23/08 06:03PM

Stanley Kubrick is back from the dead and making music videos. This new vid from Swedish performer Lykke Li has a little Shining, a little Clockwork Orange, a little pop-and-lock, a little "old people gaping wide," and enough harsh-lit fashion footage to make Dov Charney cream in his boyshorts. Video's below.

Yes, that's Jay Adelson rapping and Kevin Rose not dancing

Nicholas Carlson · 04/23/08 05:40PM

IAC's Connected Ventures may have done it first, and AOLers in France may have done it better, but give Digg's companywide lip-synching video credit. Skip ahead to check out Jay Adelson at 2:02. Rewind from there to see Kevin Rose Digg underlings jumping up on a conference-room table. (Founder Kevin Rose doesn't actually appear until the very end, where he declares the group "crazy" and leaves. For his future dignity, a wise move. No one has, as yet, leaked footage of Barry Diller or Randy Falco wearing shades and rapping.) Full clip is below:

Your 'Idol' Minute: Seacrest, All Alone On The Pavement

Seth Abramovitch · 04/23/08 04:40PM

The American Idol Karaokedome threatened to topple in on itself last night when the six remaining competitors tackled the songs of Andrew Lloyd Webber—the musical equivalent of glucose-fortified pancake syrup, next to which the typical Idol pablum starts looking and sounding like a GWAR concert.

Jason Segel Changes Story Just In Time For Last 'Sarah Marshall' Interview

STV · 04/23/08 03:10PM

"I got dumped once while naked..." So begins the umpteenth and (we think) final televised retelling of Jason Segel's exceedingly well-practiced cock-flaunting anecdote from the set of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Seeing as he took pains to mix it up a little last night on The Tonight Show, we're almost sorry to see him step off the publicity roundabout just when his improvisatory spirit was just taking flight: "This is the first time [in my career] I might start getting recognized," he told Jay Leno. "Every person who's come up to me is staring directly at my crotch!" See? Now that's a story! [NBC]

Viralcom, The Production Company Behind Every YouTube Hit

Nick Douglas · 04/23/08 03:07PM

The premise: A major production company is behind all the classic viral videos like "Laughing baby." See behind the scenes of "Girls make out at party" and "Boy puts Mentos in sister's Coke." (My favorite scenes are with the writers, who churn out one-line scripts but now I'm spoiling all the jokes.) The bittersweet irony behind this video keeps the momentum up, even if a few jokes fall flat. And it'll surely spark a dozen discussions of the future of online video in boring "new media" business blogs. See the non-businesslike clip below.

If Letting Grandma Shoot A Gun Is Elder Abuse, I Don't Want To Be Non-Abusive

Nick Douglas · 04/23/08 01:07PM

Palm Beach cops arrested 18-year-old Michael Alfinez for elder abuse after he filmed his possibly senile grandmother brandishing a pistol and saying things like "Palm Beach County, bitch." But where he really went wrong is not posting that comedy gold on YouTube (cops found the video during a traffic stop; she's pictured left in the ski mask). After all, if it's a funny web video it's not elder abuse! At least according to the six happy gun-shooting grannies below.

How We Met A Sitcom In Dire Need Of Some More Britney

Seth Abramovitch · 04/22/08 08:30PM

· Apparently How I Met Your Mother's Canadian mall-star of the 1980s Robin Sparkles had a disappointing follow-up called "Sand Castles in the Sand." Nope, still not funny. [CBS]
· Larry King's CNN contract is extended until 2010, at which point they'll figure something out involving brains in bell jars or cloned noses. [Media Bistro]
· Richie Sambora avoids a child endangerment charge, but will face two misdemeanor counts of drunk driving. Asked to comment, Sambora explained, "I ain't gonna live forever. I just want to live while I'm alive.
(It's my life.) " []
· Netflix will start charging a premium to rent Blu-Ray discs. Know what Netflix? Do that, we make it a Blockbuster night. [Gizmodo]
· Some nice shots from last night's excellent Kanye West: Metroid Prime Tour. [WOW Report]

Marketing 'Baby Mama': Universal Tries The Kitchen Sink Approach

Mark Graham · 04/22/08 06:45PM

Ever since Mean Girls became a runaway success back in 2004, Tina Fey has been riding a wave of near universal acclaim. Her ability to ride that tasty wave of popularity for the last four years without succumbing to any nasty wipeouts has arguably turned her into the Laird Hamilton of the Writers-Turned-Performers circuit. But when Baby Mama hits theaters this weekend, all of that cred that she has built up will be put to the test. Not only has Variety's Todd McCarthy gone on record calling it "exceedingly predictable", but Videogum has been trumpeting the notion that "Tina Fey-Tigue" is about to set in for the last week and some change. Recognizing that this film doesn't exactly fit the mold of traditional studio comedies (namely, in that it stars two female protagonists), Universal has been throwing a bunch of dollars at Baby Mama television advertising over the last few weeks, alternately positioning the film as a Tina Fey Vehicle, a film In Which Amy Poehler Steals The Show and, gasp, as something that even sports-loving, beer guzzling men will dig (specifically, by scoring the spots with The Cars' dude-friendly power pop anthem "Just What I Needed").

While all three of these spots appear after the jump, we thought it would be fun to enlist Defamer's videographer par excellence Molly McAleer to cut a commercial for the film that would play to all the thrill-seeking teens who have made Prom Night one of this spring's surprise B.O. hits (above). Feel free to use our cut, Universal marketing team — all we ask for is a link in return. Enjoy!

The Hills: 'Don't. Freak. Out.'

Molly Friedman · 04/22/08 05:55PM

Underneath that swarthy, dirty-haired facade that Hills heartthrob/bastard Justin Bobby exudes lies an astonishing ability to inspire the rest of the cast with his wildly profound life lessons. His highly anticipated return to the habitually bland "reality" show jump-started whatever brain cells our blonde professors possess after popping all those producer-supplied Adderalls. In one particularly Carrie Bradshaw-esque line, our antihero explains, "It's not nice when you fall away from people, but when you kind of regroup again, it's..." Sure, we don't learn what "it" is, but still. Sheer poetry. As you'll see in our clip masterfully crafted by Intrepid Defamer Videographer&trade Molly McAleer, there were lessons aplenty last night. One prime example from dearest dead-eyed Audrina? A Webster-worthy definition of the term "date like a date date." [MTV]

Anderson Cooper And Richard Quest Salute The Queen!

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/08 02:37PM

When park-cruising meth-head CNN correspondent Richard Quest wasn't busy with rope tricks, he was pouring forth more innuendo-laden quotes on his globetrotting assignments. Here, Quest makes Anderson Cooper, the third most powerful gay man in America, break out into an embarrassed fit of giggles with his salutation: "As Dame Helen Mirren famously said when she picked up her Oscar: I give you...the Queen!" Cheerio, indeed!

CNN's Meth-Head Has A Long History Of Rope Tricks

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/08 01:27PM

Click to viewRichard Quest, the Brit-accented CNN correspondent arrested in Central Park last week with meth in his pocket, a dildo stuffed in his boot, and rope tied around his genitals, apparently has a good deal of training in rope tricks. Click to watch this clip, in which he shares his terror while performing "the Professor's Nightmare Rope Trick"—he just can't get the rope where he wants it to go! "We count to three, and we blow hard. We blow hard!" Impeccable foreshadowing in almost every line.

Jason Segel's Nudity Anecdote So Good That He Told It Twice

STV · 04/22/08 12:45PM

The contagious, gag-repeating virus that so infamously befell David Letterman a few weeks ago was apparently also contracted last Friday by Jason Segel, who regaled his host at the Ed Sullivan Theater with yet another story about his ween-baring escapades on the set of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Yesterday on Ellen, meanwhile, Segel shared the same anecdote — literally the same one, almost verbatim down to the "Dockers" punchline. The look on Ellen's face is priceless: kind of the knowing, disbelieving grin of a woman praying her audience missed Segel's Letterman appearance and wondering how the imaginative writer of the weekend's top comedy can't find a more clever alternative for "third-string Chippendales model." But it did play well with the ladies, so hey. [video by Molly McAleer]

Motivational Video Filled With Lies

Rebecca · 04/22/08 12:30PM

Times are tough for journalists. Sure, there are humorous t-shirts, but that's probably not enough to save the industry. The McClatchy Company, which owns The Sacramento Bee and The Miami Herald, put up a video of their CEO Gary Pruitt to encourage and dupe their employees. In the clip, Pruitt says that no company won more than their two Pulitzer prizes. The Washington Post's six apparently don't count. He also claimed that no organization won as many George Polk awards as their two, when The Nation Institute won as many. But surely Pruitt wouldn't lie about the future of the McClatchy. Everything's going great there.

Dad Lorenzo Outs Shayne Lamas As The Reality TV Famewhore She Truly Is

Seth Abramovitch · 04/22/08 12:00PM

In just the four short weeks since we last checked in with dandiest Bachelor ever Matt Grant, the British export has managed to whittle down his harem of colonial concubines to three. Not surprisingly, Shayne Lamas, the needy-but-hot, questionably motivated heir to the Lamas Family acting dynasty, is still in the running, earning her a coveted family visit on last night's episode.