
Alana Taylor's Twitter song

Jordan Golson · 04/15/08 03:20PM

19-year old NYU student Alana Taylor really wants to be the next "It" tech girl and the new Mahalo Daily host. She even has a show on UStream, which apparently is the hot new thing. Like any good member of The 250, she's also a huge fan of Twitter — unlike Scoble and Mike Arrington though, she wrote a song about it. I don't know if this is what Calacanis is looking for as a replacement for his "Rojas-level" hire Veronica Belmont, but it is entertaining. Check out the video after the jump.

Exclusive Video: Comedy Genius Robert De Niro Dazzles Us With Best Performance in Years

STV · 04/15/08 11:25AM

If Robert De Niro's appearance at last night's Meryl Streep tribute in New York is any indication, all those haters who ridiculed the actor's agency switch last week might have another thing coming. To wit: De Niro killed. In a cruise-ship comic kind of way, perhaps, and filing through a fistful of index-carded one-liners, but still. This guy may yet pull down $20 million a picture if his timing keeps up, and he wasted no time soliciting his former co-star Streep to join him — if only someone at CAA would return his calls. Zing! Catch our exclusive video and a few more outtakes from De Niro's repertoire after the jump.

Cupcake Waltz

Nick Douglas · 04/15/08 03:41AM

Good morning. Here are some waltzing cupcakes. Creator Matthew used a ruined batch of cupcakes to make this 1019-frame stop-motion delight.

Vajuniors, Chihuahuas And Evil Stage Parents

Mark Graham · 04/14/08 08:30PM

· Intrepid Defamer Videographer™ Molly McAleer watches a LOT of TV during the course of her day. Unfortunately, she sees a lot of funny moments that, for one reason or another, we don't get around to covering. She found herself with a few spare minutes this weekend and cut together this outtake reel of hilarious moments that we didn't manage to feature last week (save for KTLA's Jessica Holmes; her act is worth a second look). With that intro, please enjoy this feature that we haven't quite gotten around to naming yet. Enjoy and, if you have any suggestions for what we should call this, leave your suggestions in the comments! [Molls She Wrote]
· Proving that that they aren't going to let a little thing like a self-imposed "family hour" get in the way of making a buck (particularly after GE's atrocious first quarter earnings), it's NBC's officially licensed "MILF Island" t-shirt. []
· Nobody has more fun than Miley Cyrus. Nobody. [YouTube]
· Noted political heavyweight Brody Jenner has just released his official presidential endorsement. The resident beefcake of The Hills is voting for ... wait for it ... Obama! If you're wondering why, the answer is simple: "He's just cool!" Word. [Us Magazine]
· And just when you thought things were going bad for the State of California comes this news: California in for a devastating quake within 30 years. [SF Gate]

Kristen Wiig, MVP of SNL

Mark Graham · 04/14/08 07:50PM

If you're wondering why you're not seeing as much of popular SNL featured players like Jason Sudeikis, Bill Hader and Andy Samberg these days, there's one simple reason why: Kristen Wiig. Since she made her debut on the show back in late 2005, Wiig has quickly established herself as one of the most gifted and versatile performers to ever grace the stage at Studio 8H, not to mention one of the funniest. In this short time, she's quickly become Lorne Michaels' MVP of the show, often appearing in 4-5 sketches per episode. While it's debatable as to whether or not she'll ever reach breakout superstar status of SNL alums like Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy or Mike Myers, she is, for our money, the single most talented sketch comedian the show has seen since fellow Groundlings alum Will Ferrell retired. After the jump, we feature two sketches that she knocked out of the park this weekend. The first features a spot-on impression of Jamie Lee Curtis filming a commercial for Activia yogurt; the latter, a virtuoso turn as a haggard and worn down travel writer named Judy Grimes who, for the life of her, can't stop kidding around.

Fred Wilson breaks up Yahoo

Nicholas Carlson · 04/14/08 05:40PM

While Yahoo's board dithers over whom to sell the company's soul to, VC blogger Fred Wilson has a different plan in mind. "Yahoo should reject the offer and what they should do instead is break up the company into a series of smaller companies," he told TechTicker in the interview excerpted here. Yahoo's entertainment sites could be one spinoff; its HotJobs website another, he says. Left unsaid: A broken-up Yahoo would mean more buyers for the small startups Wilson backs.

Jeremy Piven: Responsible Drink-And-Don't-Driver Or Drunken Hooptie Abandoner?

Molly Friedman · 04/14/08 05:00PM

Perhaps Diddy's plan to create a celebrity chauffeur service wasn't such a bad one after all. After leaving a club last night mumbling and grumbling, beach yogi Jeremy Piven made an attempt to drive himself home in a techno-blaring first generation Ford Bronco (we think), but didn't make it very far. Seems the services of his dealer friend were needed to act as designated driver and deliver the Pivster to his abode unharmed. But what went down at the gas station where he abandoned his machismo-exuding ride? Tell us, nicotine-addicted witnesses, do tell us!

"Ultimate Unboxing"

Nick Douglas · 04/14/08 05:29AM

If you read any nerd blogs (like one of Gawker's) you've probably seen an unboxing video, the dorky genre where a blogger breathlessly reports on opening a purchased product. So you might appreciate this parody, in which "the most frequently mentioned product on the internet gets its due." It's by Scott Simpson, an Apple iTunes editor who is witty in his spare time.

The Ad With The Girl Waking Up To Pee

Nick Douglas · 04/14/08 03:16AM

I know I know I'm posting an ad as a "thing we actually like." But I figure it won't move the product anyway, which I can't elaborate on for fear of ruining the joke. So here's the clip.

Rob Lowe And His Vicious Laundry List Of False Terribles

Mark Graham · 04/11/08 07:00PM

If you're planning on going out and getting bombed tonight, it's best to do so on a full stomach. Enter Dirt Sandwich, carefully crafted by Defamer's Top Chef, Molly McAleer. Each week, she grazes through the rich pasture of tabloid television for the juiciest ingredients and then stacks them all together into an easily digestible sammy, one that's guaranteed to soak up all the booze you'll be pouring down your gullet this evening. This week's Dirt Sandwich features Robin Williams' appearance at Idol Gives Back (not showing any sign of his personal troubles!), the first interview Denise Richards has ever given in her bathroom (an E! News exclusive!), Jamie Lynn Spears' romantic birthday dinner at a Louisiana Ruby Tuesdays (say what you will, but their Double Chocolate Cake is KILLER) and, of course, Rob Lowe's allegations that his nanny was set to blackmail him with "a vicious laundry list of false terribles" (which, btw, became word of the week at Defamer HQ). Enjoy, kids ... False Terribles!

Jimmy Wales's founding fib

Nicholas Carlson · 04/11/08 05:40PM

Who founded Wikipedia? Jimmy Wales likes to tell third-world denizens he did. Here's a clip from IJsbrand van Veelen's new documentary The Truth According To Wikipedia featuring Wikipedia cofounder Larry Sanger. Among Wikipedians, it's an old debate, but to Wales's worldwide audience, Sanger's existence might come as a surprise.

"Kevin Rose has basically plowed through everybody"

Jordan Golson · 04/11/08 05:00PM

We may have been thrown out of the TechCrunch party last night, but bulldog aficionado Jason Calacanis did our dirty work for us. Calacanis caught up with Kevin Rose's cohost on the Diggnation podcast, Alex Albrecht, and asked him about Kevin Rose's dating habits. It's not pretty.

Sarah Jessica Parker Does Not Want To Talk About Sex, Baby

Molly Friedman · 04/11/08 03:55PM

We were always a bit confused when Sarah Jessica Parker touted her no-nudity clause throughout all six seasons of Sex And The City, considering how often her character would appear in three-inch long skirts and see-through tops that left nothing to the imagination. Despite being the only actress out of the four leads who never technically revealed any T&A, we still walked away from the show with a near-perfect idea (unfortunately) of what SJP looks like naked. So why break out in a rash and put on earmuffs at the very mention of the word "sex," a word that's come to define her entire career, in this clip from last night's Conan?

Vanilla Ice's Domestic Battery Arrest Reminds Local News Anchor of a Song

STV · 04/11/08 01:20PM

Nothing gets us in the mood for a jam like a has-been pop icon arrested for domestic battery — a sentiment to which KTLA morning staffer Jessica Holmes stylishly related this morning. Barely finished with her report of Vanilla Ice's jailing in Florida on charges of kicking and hitting his wife, the bubbly entertainmentard summoned a trio of back-up "dancers" for an impromptu run through "Ice Ice Baby." Reaction in the newsroom was mixed, with a vigorous defense from seasoned veterans who recalled the time Walter Cronkite and a young Dan Rather punctuated revelations of Ike Turner's domestic abuse with a loosely harmonized performance of "You Should'a Treated Me Right." Skin-crawling video after the jump.

Deleted Scenes (A Short Film)

Nick Douglas · 04/11/08 04:30AM

Know how Walker Percy wanted to hate the manuscript some lady handed him, but he loved it and thus A Confederacy of Dunces got published? That's how I feel about this short film, in which a director and actor argue while recording commentary on their latest film. This is the sort of script I would have killed for when I was doing college plays. Full film is below.

Allison: I'm not a gold-digger and if I were, I wouldn't go to San Francisco

Nicholas Carlson · 04/10/08 10:00PM

Ever since Julia Allison and Meghan Asha visited the Valley last summer and said in front of various cameras that they intended to find themselves a geek boyfriend, people have described the pair as golddiggers. We know Asha isn't one — why marry for money when you come from it? — but yesterday, Allison told CNET's The 404 that she isn't staking out San Francisco riches either. "If I'm gold-digging, why would you go to San Francisco? There are hedge fund managers right here," Allison said. "And they're getting cash instead of equity in a company that isn't worth anything," b-school graduate Asha chimed in. After the jump, Allison digs a deeper hole:

Teri Hatcher Attempts A Little Country, A Little Rock 'N Roll On 'Idol', Makes Us A Little Queasy

Molly Friedman · 04/10/08 07:45PM

Teri Hatcher has admitted that her performance on last night's Idol Gives Back was "nerve-wracking," and we couldn't agree more. Watching the bat-faced Housewife dry hump the mic stand and hearing her attempt to carry a damaged woman tune about men and how they love to cheat was a very painful experience. Though her DH co-star James Denton is eager to remind us that Hatcher once performed in Cabaret, we're eager to remind him that the likes of Ashley Parker Angel and Joey Fatone have too. As Teri proved last night, Broadway experience does not a talented singer make.

Ellen Page Mans Up On Leno, Forcing Jay To Actually Come Up With A Few Of His Own Jokes

Molly Friedman · 04/10/08 05:00PM

Despite her "power lesbian" publicist vehemently lashing out against all those pesky lesbian rumors, Ellen Page still has her work cut out for her when it comes to convincing us she doesn't (even on occasion) prefer girls. The Smart People star appeared on Leno last night to obediently promote the film, and even though Page got slightly more gussied up than usual in a tight-ish dress and heels, her inability to cross those legs comfortably coupled with an imitation of what someone looks like "lifting weights in the sunshine" did little to disspell our suspicions.

Philosophical Uwe Boll Suddenly Knows Why You Hate Him

STV · 04/10/08 04:35PM

If it weren't for the petition featuring nearly 168,000 signers calling for his head, we'd probably leave well-enough alone when it comes to genre-hack whipping-boy Uwe Boll. But not even his own targets can resist his thickly accented self-defense, with similarly skill-challenged fauxters Eli Roth and Michael Bay — whom Boll labeled a "fucking retard" in a video released on Wednesday — publicly deflecting Boll's attacks over the last 24 hours. Naturally, with tens of thousands of dollars worth of free publicity at stake, Boll came back against all his haters in yet another stream-of-consciousness slam: