
How Digg's CEO pitches his startup to big media companies

Nicholas Carlson · 04/08/08 12:20PM

Early in her 8-minute interview with Digg CEO Jay Adelson, BoomTown's Kara Swisher asks Adelson about the future of the company. She casually mentions acquisition rumors. "Oh that's what you want to know, I see," Adelson says. Had this been Wallstrip, we'd see an image of a turtle pulling his head into his shell flash on screen. Swisher changes the topic. But later, in the part we've excerpted above, Swisher gets Adelson to talk anyway. She asks him how he would fix a big media company. Perpetual rumors suggest his answer is to have them buy Digg. So when Adelson starts to explain his ideas, remember that everybody's selling something. This is how Adelson sells Digg.

The Dangers of Being a Television News Reporter

richard · 04/08/08 10:00AM

Live television is exciting because anything can happen. Most exciting of all is when 'respectable' television journalists succumb to the unexpected (they trip, get mauled by animals, lit aflame, etc.) right there on your TV. Here is a compilation video I made of everything tragic that could possibly happen to a television news reporter. Some of these clips have become internet classics, and some you may have never seen before. Either way it's three minutes of pure bliss that will make you feel better about dropping out of j-school.

No-Talent Children Are Even Worse Than Their Semi-Talented Parents

nickm · 04/07/08 06:10PM

Another day, another reality show featuring D-list celebs premieres on basic cable. And last week was no exception, as MTV's Rock the Cradle made a strong showing right out of the gate. That's the program where children of washed-up musicians try to prove that they have as much talent as their parents. Unfortunately, the acorn falls pretty fucking far from the tree. As evidence, may we present Olivia Newton John's daughter, Chloe Lattanzi.

I'll Watch Any Sketch About Voiceover Talent

Nick Douglas · 04/07/08 03:12PM

The comedy team behind the classic Hipster Olympics and Mario: Game Over has a new sketch about a family of voice-over artists. The concept pretty much drives the whole joke (everyone talks in professional voiceover voices), but the script doesn't matter; it's just fun to hear these voices. They could literally be reading the phone book. In fact anyone who gets Don LaFontaine to read a page of Manhattan listings will probably earn a million YouTube views. Anyway, here's the sketch, as well as one other classic voiceover talent skit.

Kara Swisher calls Hulu lead developer a 12 year old because, well, he looks like one

Nicholas Carlson · 04/07/08 11:40AM

Here's the highlight from Kara Swisher's a tour of the Hulu offices. Hulu CEO Kilar takes Swisher into a group of cubicles reserved for developers. Hulu, Kilar says, was developed "between here and Beijing." Then Kilar walks over to a desk where what seems to be a child sits. "I want to introduce you to a little-known secret," Kilar says. How cute, Kilar wants to introduce Swisher to his kid. "Eden, take your earpieces out," Kilar tells the boy, before pulling them out of the boy's ears himself. The kid turns around and Kilar begins to explain that ""This guy coded—" but Swisher interrupts. "Oh, hello 12 year old, hello." Kilar: "He's legal. Over 21." The kid: "Barely."

Miley Cyrus' Desperate Search On A Bike For A Missing Dog

Mark Graham · 04/04/08 07:10PM

Looking for a quick snack that won't spoil your dinner? Might we suggest tearing into a Dirt Sandwich? Make sure to grab yourself a placemat and a handful of napkins, for this week's double decker supreme is stacked to the ceiling with this week's messiest infotainment offerings. Compiled with care by Defamer's resident culinary expert, Molly McAleer, we think you'll find this to be the tastiest sammy you've noshed on all week. Join us as we find out how Amy Winehouse's face looks these days (answer: better than Harvey Levin thinks), what a teary Hayden Panettiere did immediately after receiving an award for Saving The Whales (or some such nonsense) and what Harrison Ford thinks of being slimed. Pay close attention, lest you miss the revelation of whether or not Dancing With The Stars' Priscilla Presley spray tans or not ... a special CoJo investigate report! Enjoy, kids, enjoy!

Renee Zellweger Coins New Term For Frozen Snot, Wins Back Our Love By Impersonating It

Molly Friedman · 04/04/08 05:10PM

Renee Zellweger may have brought the va va voom factor to Letterman last night in her body-hugging red Old Hollywood dress, but one of her talking points was far from glamorous. While chatting with Dave about shooting Chilled In Miami in temperatures she claimed reached 57 below, Renee delves deep into the physical effects that kind of weather can have on the body, particularly the ways in which bodily fluids react to icy weather. And those effects do not look pretty in close-ups. But thanks to her sugary Southern accent and last-minute decision to impersonate her own snot for Dave, we're ready to forgive her for all that twitchy Hitchcock-inspired emoting she slaughtered us with last month. [CBS]

Stop David Letterman if You've Heard This One Before (Hint: You Have)

STV · 04/04/08 02:35PM

Click to viewOur poor, blog-addled attention spans are often too fried to catch TV hosts recycling other people's material, let alone their own. But a quick-witted tipster pointed out how David Letterman made it easy over the last two nights, setting a remarkable new joke-recycling standard almost too good to be true. Which is to say: This can't possibly have happened on a major late-night talk show, could it? It's not as though they're verbatim plagiarizations — at least the one-word punchlines to his identical Eliot Spitzer gags were changed — but with an overlap of about 90 percent and a facial-expression redundancy rate near 100, we're wondering who Letterman's rehashed joke is actually on. Moreover, with rain today in New York, will it "feel like spring" yet again tonight? [CBS, video by Molly McAleer]

Mick Jagger, Keith Richards join geriatric1927 on YouTube

Jackson West · 04/04/08 02:20PM

In a transparent appeal to old folks, YouTube is kicking off a new "Living Legends" monthly series. First up? The creaky rockers from the Rolling Stones. Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, who chimes in while sitting on the john, are taking questions from the audience — "especially the burning ones." So if you need advice on what brand of topical analgesic reduces hip-swagger-induced soreness, or the best hemorrhoid cream for transcontinental flights, now's your chance. Video after the jump.

'John Adams' Sure Could Use Some Robitussin

Mark Graham · 04/03/08 08:15PM

· Man, we are SO glad we made the decision not to invest any of our time watching John Adams. Wake us when it's over. [YouTube]
· Sarah Silverman and Matt Damon are fucking a dead horse. Indeed. [CC Insider]
· Hate sci-fi but love international politics? Vulture's guide to Season Four of Battlestar Galactica is just what the spin doctor ordered. [Vulture]
· Mena Suvari not only plays work out tapes by Fonda, but we also hear she's got a motor in the back of her Honda. Most surprising/disgusting shots of Suvari since she took a dump on camera in Spun. [Egotastic]

George Clooney Predictably Charming on Letterman

nickm · 04/03/08 07:50PM

George Clooney can do no wrong. He's the biggest star in the world even though no one sees his movies (we're looking at you, Leatherheads). Ladies wanna do him, guys wanna hang out with him. Even when he's telling a clearly rehearsed story about Britney Spears, as in the video above, he can't help but be rakish and charming.

100 Seconds That Symbolize Just How Far The 'Real World' Has Fallen

Mark Graham · 04/03/08 05:30PM

It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment at which The Real World lost its cultural relevance, but if you were to press us for an answer, we'd have to say it was when the greedy producers at MTV killed their golden goose by launching Real World: Philadelphia less than six weeks after the finale of Real World: San Diego aired. In retrospect, the grand successes of the last truly great RW season were a unfortunate harbinger of things to come for the series as a whole; while the arrests of Brad and Robin made for undeniably great television, it also established a dangerous precedent for the series by making the act of running afoul of the law something for future housemates to aspire to. But we digress — we could talk about this for hours, but we won't. Our point was mainly to say that we haven't watched the Real World in years, and while The Reunion Special / Roast that aired last night had its moments, there was a moment that occured just minutes into the show that, for us, symbolized the de-evolution of the series from a (dare we say) noble social experiment into something that more closely resembles a frat party for community college dropouts.

Viral Misstep Proves Daniel Waters' Persona Is No Threat to Diablo Cody

STV · 04/03/08 03:15PM

Just in time for the opening of his new film Sex and Death 101, writer-director and comb-overed Avatar of Disillusionment Daniel Waters offers viewers a not-quite-rollicking video tour of his famous home. After Wednesday's mopey LA Times profile, we frankly expected a livelier plunge into the self-effacement and irony only the screenwriter of Hudson Hawk could muster. Alas, as now immortalized on YouTube, Waters' enclave bears the unique distinction of being the house where A) Orson Welles died and B) viral marketing goes to die. Also: When Woody Allen is done suing the spandex pants off American Apparel for unauthorized use of his likeness in ads, we suspect he'll be coming after Waters for the same. [YouTube]

Smooth Jazz 9/11 Slideshow

Nick Douglas · 04/03/08 02:48PM

This time, this time, we've really found the craziest Internet crackpot. One minute into this slideshow of photos of the World Trade Center, images of the towers smoking on 9/11 pops up. But the smooth jazz playing over the whole video keeps going. Two hastily consulted New York Gawker writers were split on whether this terrible editing decision was horrifically-funny-awful or just plain awful-awful. And then we saw the user's second, altogether more bizarre (and thankfully disaster-photo-free) video.

South Park kills 10 YouTube memes for good

Nicholas Carlson · 04/03/08 02:40PM

Viacom continues to pursue a $1 billion lawsuit against Google's YouTube for allowing video piracy. On Viacom's Comedy Central, South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone aren't helping their corporate parent's legal case. In last night's episode, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny asked themselves "How Do We Make Money on the Internet?" and predictably, they find it difficult — just like YouTube. This leads to a South Park scene straight out of Viacom CEO Philippe Daumann's dreams as, one by one, the viral-video sensations that made YouTube so big are destroyed. Here's the scene in two clips, and all the popular videos it refers to:

John McCain Nabs Highly Coveted Montag Endorsement

nickm · 04/03/08 02:10PM

Naturally, there are lots of important questions surrounding the presidential race. Whose policy on the war in Iraq will be the most effective? Will raising taxes help pull us out of this recession? Which candidate has the most viable solution to our nation's health care crisis? Who is Heidi Montag gonna vote for?

The Midwest Teen Sex Show

Nick Douglas · 04/03/08 01:43PM

It's a sex ed show with wit. I'm gonna say more but it's only filler; just watch their episode on oral sex below. Only the audio is NSFW. The Midwest Teen Sex Show is actually shot in the Midwest and actually targeted to teens, only it's so devoid of condescension that you might forget it's more than comedy.