
'Gossip Girl' Serves Up A Special Spicy Tokenism Roll!

JonLiu · 11/15/07 11:30AM

I went to an amazing party last night. I fit it in between meeting with Tyra (just Tyra, to me) to grill some aspiring models and discussing the day's events with Jim Watkins and Kaity Tong at 10. So anyway, at this party, we were playing "Guitar Hero"—my fave!—and eating raw fish! Can you believe that? Kind of slimy, but good!

The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy To Take Down Judith Regan

JonLiu · 11/14/07 09:20AM

Judith Regan's not an anti-semite: She's an Italophobe! As the full 70-page text of her $100 million lawsuit against HarperCollins and News Corp. reveals, Judy herself is the victim of a "smear campaign." Remember those awful claims that Ms. Regan, upon her post-If I Did It dismissal, made mention of a "Jewish cabal" and "Of all people...the Jews should know about telling the big lie." Why were such malicious falsehoods spread about a lady who's, at worst, only the second most repellent nouveau Judy to have funded fornication with 9/11 charity monies? You guessed it: because of the NewsCorp conspiracy to elect Rudy Giuliani president at all costs!