
Leaked 'Cloverfield' Trailer Provides Glimpse Of Top-Secret, Completely Terrifying Blur-Monster

mark · 11/15/07 04:30PM

The quality of the footage is, to be charitable, shitty; still, that won't stop fans desperate to devour any morsel they allegedly aren't supposed to be gobbling down until tomorrow from scouring the video frame by frame, hoping that somewhere in those blurry shadows lies the utterly terrifying truth about the nature of the cinematic beast Abrams and company will unleash up on the world in January.

mark · 08/02/07 05:37PM

Kraft launches an investigation into supertopsecret JJ Abrams monster movie Cloverfield's use of the cheese concern's name in the cover-up of a hushhush lower Manhattan location shoot. [Radar]

Is It Too Early To Get That 'Cloverfield' Backlash Going?

mark · 07/10/07 12:06PM

Perhaps the best leading indicator of an inevitable backlash is the creation of at least one hastily conceived mash-up trailer (a meme that never gets tired) for the still-shooting film, an appearance that heralds six more months of feeling like some viral marketing staffer from Paramount has planted a foot firmly on our windpipe, releasing it only long enough for us to wheeze out an affirmative answer to their repeated question, "Don't you see how fucking cool this is going to be? Come on, it's J.J. Abrams!"