
Geraldo out of Iraq

Gawker · 03/31/03 10:10AM

Buried in a CNN article on Iraqi chemical weapons use: "U.S. military officials say Fox News Channel correspondent Geraldo Rivera will be expelled from Iraq after violating the cardinal rule of war reporting Monday by giving away crucial details of future military operations during a live broadcast."
U.S. targets 'Chemical Ali' [CNN via Romenesko]

Ted Turner, war reporter

Gawker · 03/24/03 09:30AM

Ted Turner on volunteering to report from Baghdad for CNN: "I did say, 'Well, you know, if nobody else will do it, I'll do it.' And they said, 'No.' But, because I'm sixty-four, and I've been pretty well wiped out anyway, I might as well go out. I thought it'd be kind of goodhere I am, going down in flames. I think it would be a dramatic way to exit the world. But they turned me down, and, really, it probably wasn't that good an idea. They said, 'You're not really qualified to do it.' I said, 'Well, all you have to do is hold the microphone up and say, 'The bombs are falling all around me.' There's no magic to this game."
Q & A: journalists and generals [New Yorker]

Walter Isaacson and AOL/TW

Gawker · 01/29/03 11:01AM

Michael Wolff speculates that Walter Isaacson's departure from CNN is perhaps indicative of AOL/TW's accelerating nosedive into irrelevancy. (Minor sideline: Wolff also mentions that his book, Burn Rate, is being turned into a musical. Dear god.)
The altar of Walter [NY Magazine]

Walter Isaacson transcript

Gawker · 01/21/03 04:02PM

CNN Chairman Walter Isaacson, who recently stepped down to run the Aspen Institute speaks with NPR's "On the Media."
Transcript []

Isaacson leaves CNN

Gawker · 01/13/03 07:11PM

Drudge is reporting that Walter Isaacson is quitting CNN. Isaacson is a Time Warner veteran: managing editor of Time before becoming chairman and CEO of CNN. The spin: he's taking on a new job, leaving CNN in great shape. The truth: CNN has been blown out of the water by Fox News; and Isaacson never really took to television.
Isaacson Is Leaving CNN To Run Think Tank Aspen [WSJ]