
Bill Hemmer: Producers Are There For a Reason

kewalters · 05/20/05 10:25AM

TVNewser has the scoop on CNN s American Morning co-host, the one and only Bill Hemmer. Hemmer, it seems, is having problems getting his New York job moved to D.C. (There are still summer internships available, no?) Reports the Newser:

CNN: A Longer Answer to a QuickVote

Haber · 03/31/05 02:06PM

Yes. It's shown us that death is not a private matter for family and friends, it's a public spectacle for politically motivated partisan hacks, opportunistic cable news channels, hack late night comedians, and unfunny bloggers to pick over the desiccated body of a sad, sick woman who is unable to speak for herself yet has become the empty vessel into which the aspirations, fears, and soul-crushing lies of snakes, scoundrels, and fools are dumped like so much toxic sludge from the rotting core of this dying planet.

This Just In: We're Morons

Haber · 03/24/05 03:24PM

Wow, we thought for a second there we'd left our copy of Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy in the DVD player. How else to explain this utterly stupid banter we just heard on CNN's Live From:

The President Is, Like, So Presidential

Jessica · 03/02/05 04:04PM

Don't ask why, but we've got CNN on again in the Gawker "office," and President Bush is giving a speech honoring the Boston Red Sox. We've heard the following:

CNN Openly Whores Itself For The Holidays

Jessica · 12/15/04 12:19PM

Can someone please explain why the hell CNN just spent the last 20 minutes of American Morning highlighting the Barney Christmas Special? The spectacle made the Today Show look positively hard-hitting, and my codeine-addled brain simply can't comprehend what's going on...
American Morning [CNN]

CNN Gets Sensitive

Jessica · 11/23/04 10:08AM

We have a confession to make. Gawker HQ's televisions are often tuned to, um, real news. Yeah, even we have to turn off E! here and there and get some loving from CNN. So you can only imagine how hot we felt when the gang at American Morning read the following excerpt from a viewer letter:

Black Table analysis of Radar

Gawker · 04/21/03 10:48AM

The Black Table's Scott Dickensheets hasn't actually seen a copy of Maer Roshan's new mag, Radar (which hits newstands tomorrow), but figures he's read enough reviews and seen enough previews that he "knows all about it." "Such clouds of hype have enveloped the launch of Radar magazine that even young Iraqis in the desirable looting demograhics have stopped to tell CNN how delighted they are by editor Maer Roshan's quirky editorial philosophy and determination not to treat celebrities with the usual glossy obeisance." (I'd link to the neverending love-it/hate-it reviews, but reviewing the reviews is more entertaining. And far less substantive!)
The bleeps, the sweeps and the creeps: Radar Magazine pops up on the radar screen [BlackTable]

Tina on wartime media

Gawker · 04/03/03 10:07AM

Tina Brown discusses the broadcast media's mad scramble to book relevant guest speakers during wartime. Winston S. Churchill (yes, they're relatedauthor of My Grandfather Invented Iraq) was in serious demand but when he appeared on CNN's Crossfire recently, "former Clinton spin-doctor James Carville s introduction to his guest was so perfunctory and hastily prepared it could be summarised as 'So, Winston, who the fuck are you?'" Tina also laments the cancellation of her talk show, and says that "'If only Tony Blair were President' is still the prevailing feeling among Americans." (Perhaps in New York, Tina. The rest of America's prevailing feelings about the PM would better be described as "Who's Tony Blair?")
CNBC's pre-emptive strike [Times2]