
What Really Happened in Amagansett This Weekend

Joshua Stein · 08/20/07 04:00PM

What follows is like aversion therapy for those who might want to go to the Hamptons. On Saturday night in Amagansett, as Jessica Coen reported today at New York mag, the sundry foodie blogging glitterati gathered for a burger cook-off. Coen was there to support her man Lockhart Steele, our (and her!) former boss at this very website. She looks really happy. That "typical summer share house" was Eater honcho Ben Leventhal's, and it is called "Southfork." Julia Allison was there too! She was cozying up with College Humor's Jakob Lodwick. Later they would have a huge knock-down drag-out fight but then go on to make up. Former Glamour blogger and Gawker enemy Alyssa Shelasky was munching on Doritos poolside, as was weirdly attractive photographer Jessica Craig-Martin. Hampton's Style editor Deb Schoeneman was there, as was College Humor millionaire and (coincidence!) Hampton's Style Contributing Editor Ricky Van Veen. His pictures can be found here; the one above is the only one of Julia Allison topless, just to save you time searching.

Owen Thomas · 08/07/07 02:30PM

IAC CEO Barry Diller tightens his grip on Connected Ventures, the IAC-controlled parent of, by installing minion Moshe Koyfman as its COO. [CNNMoney]

Nick Douglas · 07/10/07 01:46PM

Over a third of all Facebook users polled by list a Will Ferrell movie as one of their favorites. "The same percentage," quips one of the site's commentators, "listed a Will Ferrell movie as one of their favorite books." The poll also covers drunk Facebooking, ex-stalking, and masturbating to Facebook. [CollegeHumor]

Barry Diller And Diane Von Furstenberg Are Married To Each Other

abalk · 06/11/07 03:06PM

Hot hot hot profile of IAC head Barry Diller on "60 Minutes" last night. While the luscious boys of his subsidiary College Humor were, sadly, granted no screen time, Barry's wife, the luscious-in-her-own-way Diane Von Furstenberg was all over the place. Here she explains the touching marital bond that she shares with Diller.

Emily Gould · 06/06/07 01:52PM

CollegeHumor editor Ricky Van Veen got his iPhone today! Unless that is a photo of an iPod. Which it is. [Get Excited]

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

abalk2 · 05/18/07 03:55PM

Earlier today we learned that an occasional paramour of former Gawker editor and current Vanity Fair chick Jessica Coen had—through some sort of complicated tech stock thing about which we have (and wish to have) no clue—fortuitously become an extremely wealthy individual. Good for him! Surprisingly, this is not the first gentleman who has enjoyed Ms. Coen's tender ministrations to have been gifted with a sudden cascade of riches. Ricky Van Veen, of CollegeHumor fame, touched her parts on more than one occasion—and then his company was acquired by Barry Diller! We were beginning to think her ladyflower was gold! Like she was Suze Orman down there! But we recall that some who succumb to Coen's seductive half-Jew-from-the-Midwest, lady-with-a-smart-mouth-and-a-great-ass appeal have not been so lucky. We know of a string of cast-off Coen lovers whose finances are shaky and who may be living with their parents. Some may even be itchy. So a warning to the men of Manhattan: A conjugal visit with Jessica Coen might just make you a millionaire. Or a pauper. She's got the Magic 8 Ball of vaginas.

The Shame Of It All

abalk2 · 05/18/07 02:45PM
  • Here is a picture of a 95-year-old grandma with a horn growing out of her head. [z.madison ]

College Humor, Web 'Entourage,' Meets With Ari

choire · 05/09/07 11:42AM

College Humor, a website run by boys who've hung out together since high school in Maryland—back before they were "famous"—has now completed its transformation into the Entourage of the web. First they got a development deal with Paramount, complete with writers from The Office. The early success of their t-shirt and blog empire means they now have to hurdle the vagaries of oodles of money, Barry Diller (who has a controlling interest in their company) and book deals. Yesterday they jumped right through the looking glass. We hear that College Humor ringleader Ricky Van Veen (the Vince of the gang, and surely prettier than Adrian Grenier) "took a meeting" with crazed power-agent Ari Emmanuel, the Endeavor founder on whom Entourage's Ari Gold is based. (College Humor Co-founder Josh Abramson, totally the Eric of the gang, should have been there to police!) Halfway through their pow-wow, Ari calls some producer. "Hey, I have this kid here.... Hey, kid, what's your name again?" Welcome to Hollywood, boys! Don't let all the empty promises go to your heads.

New Media Blowup: Elizabeth Spiers, Solo Again

choire · 04/19/07 05:05PM

It was March 29, 2006, that Gawker founding editor Elizabeth Spiers launched Dealbreaker, the first of her grown-up internet ventures. Just a few weeks more than a year later, that new media party is over. From her email, just sent: "My partners and I have an insurmountable difference of opinion regarding long-term strategy for the company and we've come to point where I would like to do some projects that are materially riskier and more experimental than Dead Horse's existing properties, and they would prefer to pull back and focus solely on the sites we have." We always thought the safe, happy years for talent came when you stopped working for the millionaire and went out in partnership. Guess not. (Who were we kidding? Oh right, ourselves.) So how long until Ken Lerer turns on Arianna Huffington? How long until Michael Jackson and Barry Diller turn on Kurt Andersen? Heck, how long until Barry Diller tries to spit-roast the College Humor boys? Jon Fine has more.

'Faking It': The College Humor Book Party

Emily · 03/22/07 04:35PM

Yesterday marked the publication of the sophomore College Humor-branded literary effort, a guide to faking one's way through adulthood. To celebrate, the boys threw a party at the bar of Hotel QT, which has a great gimmick: the glass-walled room adjacent to the bar contains a little swimming pool. (It's a venue we know all too well.) There's no requirement that swimmers wear actual bathing suits—in fact, diving in in your underwear is encouraged. And you can bring your drink in the pool, because the bar is stocked with plastic cups—the classy thick kind of plastic, not the kind you'd see at a keg party or something. Hotel QT is cheesy, sure, but also so wild and crazy and sort of decadent. All that Sex and The City watching paid off for the College Humor boys.

IAC's video schemes

Chris Mohney · 02/06/07 11:44AM

It goes without saying that most online video is crap, and will continue to be so for quite awhile (perhaps forever). Undeterred, Barry Diller's Interactive Corp is steadily ramping up video on all its sites. The Wall Street Journal takes notice, particularly of College Humor's efforts, as those are furthest along. Still, it wouldn't be the WSJ without a tut-tut graf, which begins

Team Party Crash: College Humor Rush 2007

Chris Mohney · 12/01/06 03:30PM

After a couple of party-heavy weeks, we may be the definition of permanently hung over. Team Party Crash craved a night off, fueled by visions of TIVO backups, generic canned soup, a little beer chased with some illegally acquired sleeping pills. Unfortunately, around lunchtime yesterday we got wind of some rush party over at the College Humor loft and, well, we figured our alcoholism isn't going anywhere unless we keep drinking, and frankly, who knows how to binge drink better than fratboys? Beer Pong? Beer BONGS? Ice Luge? A bunch of uber-wealthy internet kids pretending they're still in college? Hello. Apparently they're celebrating some new funding by spending a shitload of money. Awesome. We sent the overachieving Intern Heather, beer bong champion/shutterfly Kate and jailbait videographer Richard Blakeley back to school for a refresher. Enjoy a truly humbling gallery of photos, or speculate on what could possible motivate Kate to post even more. After the jump, Heather deals with her hangover as best as her private Catholic high-school education will allow.

Barry Diller Officially Penetrates Boys of CollegeHumor

Jessica · 08/15/06 10:30AM

The long-rumored deal between skank-humor hub and Barry Diller's InterActiveCorp has finally been consummated. IAC has acquired a 51% stake in CollegeHumor's parent company, Connected Ventures, LLC, and full voting control of the company (Barry's a bit of a dom). The Post guesstimated the deal to hover around $20 million, but we've been told that the price tag was quite a bit higher. Never underestimate the financial viability of photographing pyramids constructed from beer cans.

Barry Diller Can't Stay Away From Content, Young Boys

abalk2 · 07/13/06 02:12PM

Barry Diller is as mindful of the investment potential in giant foam fingers that penetrate both the anus and the vagina simultaneously as the rest of us. Like a recovering content junkie who decides that he can handle one or two more without getting hooked again, Diller is reportedly taking a close look at the fresh, young men over at The rumor has his InterActiveCorp close to signing a deal that values the company (which has also been eyed by Viacom and Pilot Group) at $20-30 million — not an outright takeover, but a major investment with options. While none of this has been confirmed, staff has been alerted that there's a deal in the offing. Meanwhile, site founder Ricky Van Veen's denial ("We're still talking to the parties involved and so far off from a deal with either one of them that you'd just be printing fiction." Hey, Ricky, that's what we call content.) doesn't exactly put the whole thing to bed. And really, is it such a stretch to think that Diller would want to acquire a stable of handsome frat boys? Should the deal close, the CollegeHumor guys will have yet another assload of cash with which to purchase flat-screen televisions and luxury sedans — plus they've each been promised a closetful of DVF wrap dresses. Ah, success in the new century: All it takes it a picture of a topless sorority girl passed out in a punchbowl and a dream.

Media Bubble: Jim Cramer Seems Slightly Less Restrained of Late

abalk2 · 06/16/06 01:18PM

• Tyler Green asks the hard questions about NYT art critic Grace Glueck's relationship with the Clark Art Institute: "[W]ho at the NYT knew? And why wasn't it flagged as an obvious conflict of interest?" Our question: Grace Glueck? Clark Art Institute? Should either of these names ring a bell? [Arts Journal]
• Boobies + alcohol + college kids + Internet = $. If you've never read a piece about, today's the day to smack yourself in the head and say, "I coulda done that!" [Fox News]
• Majority of English hacks privately educated, owe their jobs to school connections. Thank God things are different here in the U.S.A. [Guardian]
• Blogger-turned-Time columnist sticks it to The Man, gets fingered. [The Nation]
• Acting like a hyperventilating batshit loon who's one step away from the bughouse is one thing, but when you add props to the occasion, you're crossing the line. [Marketwatch]