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In a stunningly average display of athletic prowess and a minimal-at-best understanding of slow-pitch softball, the boys (and solitary girl) of held off a furious last-licks rally by Maxim to defeat the mag, 15-13.

A seemingly endless string of miscues (some the result of the water-logged Central Park field, others stemming from sheer incompetence) put CH in an 8-0 hole early in the game, but the squad got its shit together by the fourth inning, eventually taking the lead with RBIs from Michael Cascio, Josh Abrams, comedian Nick Kroll, ESPN mag's Neil Janowitz, and programmer Andrew Pile, who provided the only bit of offense from the Murderers' Row that is CH's vaunted tech department. Writer Streeter Seidell went hitless that inning, but he did manage to drink three beers and smoke eight cigarettes.

Throwing caution to the wind, both CH and Maxim were in blatant disregard of the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation's stringent open container policy, which may have had something to do with the deteriorating quality of play in the latter half of the game.

CollegeHumor's next game is against The Onion. Both teams are expected to pass next week's human growth hormone test.