Dotty Washington Post columnist and cane-waving oldie Richard Cohen still has his memory, thank god. And that memory is full of him hanging out with politicians. Has he told you about it?

He begins,

Some years ago, I worked out with Joe Biden. He lifted weights while I pedaled a stationary bike, and I can report that the vice president of the United States, if he has kept up his exercise regimen, should be in splendid shape.

This is the sort of “inside info” that you need to play in the “big leagues” of political analysis.

My workout session with Biden occurred about a decade ago at the splendid Italian resort of Villa d’Este on Lake Como, where we both were attending a conference. Biden and his wife, Jill, flew in with John McCain and his sidekick, Lindsey Graham. We all had a grand time. You cannot ask for better company than Biden, McCain and Graham. They know how to laugh.

Another good political column, by a national political columnist.