
Man Faked a Coma For Two Years

Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/21/14 06:30PM

A con artist who pretended to be in a coma every time he wanted to get out of court apparently managed to keep the charade going for more than two years.

Mubarak Reportedly in Coma

Max Read · 02/14/11 09:34PM

What's former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak up to? According to an Egyptian newspaper, he's been in a coma since Saturday and is "currently receiving medical treatment." The Egyptian government says that Mubarak has been in the resort town of Sharm al-Sheikh (and not in Germany or Saudi Arabia, as has been rumored) since his Thursday speech, during which, according to rumors, he fainted twice. Mubarak is 82, and underwent gall bladder surgery in Germany in 2010. [al-Arabiya]