
Chris Anderson: Asshole Interviewee

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/09 12:31PM

Wired editor Chris Anderson has fully morphed from a journalist, who knows what it's like to have to interview other people, into a celebrity, who has no time for these fucking reporters and their boring questions. "Journalism," what's that?

Press Desperate For Sexy Charges in Sex Scandal

Pareene · 03/14/08 10:23AM

The Times breathlessly reports today that Eliot Spitzer is under investigation for illegally using campaign funds for his illicit tryst with America's Whore, Ashley "Kristen" "Alexandra Dupre" Youmans. It's on Drudge! It's a scandal! Except it looks like bullshit! The hedging lede: "Federal prosecutors are investigating whether Gov. Eliot Spitzer used campaign funds in connection with his meetings with prostitutes, including payments for hotels or ground transportation, three people with knowledge of the investigation said." Which means maybe (just maybe! it's total speculation!) the multi-millionaire governor paid for Kristen's cab or room with an American Express card that might be connected to Spitzer 2010, his campaign committee. The rest of the story hinges on whether you believe that Spitzer's trips to to DC and Florida and Texas were for the express purpose of fucking whores and not testifying before Congress and attending fundraisers. We look forward to a federal case based on whether Spitzer's whore-lust drove his political appearances, or vice versa. Come on, America! Let's justify criminal prosecution based purely on our disgust with the man's moral reprehensibility by claiming it's a violation of the public trust! [NYT]