Oprah Winfrey Directly Responsible for South African Teen Lesbianism

Nobody could blame Oprah for one sex scandal at that save-the-youth school she opened in South Africa, but now that there's another sex scandal there, we must ask, "Does Oprah love sex, and scandals???"
World President Oprah opened a school for disadvantaged girls in South Africa, and then in 2007 a dorm matron there was accused of sexually abusing the students, which made Oprah cry, and she vowed to clean house and all that, and now there is some other sex-related thing happening there, at the South African Oprah school:
Seven students were suspended last week for sexually harassing their schoolmates, the "Afrikaans on Sunday" newspaper reported.
One 15-year-old was accused of preying on another pupil and forcing other girls to lie to investigators about it, the paper reported...
Other girls were caught fondling each other or trying to get other girls to join them in lesbian liasons, the paper reported.
I guess you could theoretically lay a bit of blame on Oprah for being out of touch enough to allow the first scandal to go on unchecked, but now she's being blamed for the behavior of teenagers half a world away, WHAT IS SHE A FREAKING HALL MONITOR? [NYDN; Pic via]