
Derrick Comedy's Spelling Bee

Matt Leary · 12/12/09 01:30PM

Here's a pretty risque sketch by the internet phenoms known as Derrick Comedy, and by risque I mean funny. Everyone loves a good spelling bee so liking this sketch is clearly a given.

Chris Rock on Doctors and Drugs

Yoni Lotan · 12/11/09 09:00PM

Chris Rock is the perfect mix of on point social commentary and goofy, potty humor. Whenever he goes on his soapbox rants you just want to stand up and yell with him.

Just Another Christmas Party at The Office

Matt Cherette · 12/10/09 10:14PM

Karaoke, Twilight, awkward pseudo-hugs, budding gay romances, nutcrackers and Santa making out with... Santa. Where else could you find all of that but at the Christmas party on The Office? Tonight's most eclectic scene was also the cutest. And funniest.

Community: Fighting with the Forest Whitaker Eye

Matt Cherette · 12/10/09 09:11PM

On tonight's Community, Jeff is challenged to a fight by a school bully (Anthony Michael Hall). In the funniest scene of the episode, the rest of the gang attempts to teach Jeff how to throw down, and hilarity ensues.

Aziz Ansari's Drunken Adventure

John Trowbridge · 12/10/09 09:00PM

Here is a secret standup clip from 'Parks and Recreation' star Aziz Ansari. In this he tells a hilarious story about getting drunk and planning a trip across the country with his friend and roommate Merlin. This story involves Vicodin.

Dave Chappelle on Grape Drink

John Trowbridge · 12/09/09 09:00PM

The legendary Dave Chappelle kills it in this video with his unstoppable "Grape Drink" bit from his second special "For What It's Worth" at the Fillmore in San Francisco.

Dan Mintz on Girls Not Trusting Him

John Trowbridge · 12/08/09 09:00PM

Underground deadpan king Dan Mintz unleashes a slew of one liners about his romantic life, each one ending in disaster. On dates or — on the web — women always assume he has an evil ulterior motive.

I Want to Work for Diddy 2 Confirms that, Yep, Diddy is Still Annoying

Matt Cherette · 12/08/09 12:00AM

Tonight, we answer the question sure to be on everyone's mind: Is Diddy still an annoying, overgrown baby? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: YESSSSS. Evidence? Watch his freak out when a prospective assistant can't spell a word. Game. Set. Match.

Luke Skywalker Has OCD

Mike Byhoff · 12/07/09 04:38PM

It seems Luke Skywalker has more troubles on his plate than infiltrating the death star and saving the universe from the evil of the dark side. He also has to battle with the forces of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Cheating Husband Takes a Beating at a Wedding in Peru

Whitney Jefferson · 12/07/09 10:24AM

If you were about to get married but already had a wife at home would you give a live television interview minutes beforehand? This bonehead did. What he didn't know was that his two sister-in-laws happened to be nearby.