Garfield Does Not Hate Veterans, Despite This Strip
Max Read · 11/12/10 04:01AMBroke Blagojevich Charging $50 Per Autograph
Jim Newell · 08/23/10 11:04AMModern Male Role Models: The Superhero and the Slacker
Max Read · 08/15/10 09:51PM'Cathy' Comic Strip to End October 3
Max Read · 08/12/10 12:27AMSuperman (Comic) Rescues Family (Home from Foreclosure)
Max Read · 08/03/10 10:31PMThe Strange Case of the Mysterious Racist 'Tea Party Comix'
Remy Stern · 07/30/10 04:28PMHarvey Pekar Dead at 70
Richard Lawson · 07/12/10 10:29AMLittle Orphan Annie Loses Newspaper Gig
Jeff Neumann · 05/14/10 05:10AMFun Plagiarism Scandal Becoming Funner Lawsuit and Conspiracy Scandal
Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/10 01:51PMArchie Comics Welcomes a Gay to Riverdale
Richard Lawson · 04/22/10 12:50PMShameless Obama Reading 'Pickles' in Oval Office
Pareene · 03/23/10 05:28PMWhat the Hell Happened to The Man of Tomorrow?
Anderson Evans · 02/19/10 10:45AMDoes the world need Superman? He's probably the most iconic comic book hero ever created, but it seems his invulnerability has a cost. There is buzz about another attempt at rebooting the franchise, but is there any point?
Captain America Against the Teabaggers
Pareene · 02/10/10 03:49PMReprehensible Ignorance Not Just Limited to Christians: Rabbi Blames Earthquake in Haiti on Comics.
Foster Kamer · 01/23/10 06:00PMArtie Lange, Howard Stern Sidekick, Attempted Suicide
Maureen O'Connor · 01/07/10 09:23AMCollege Kids Miss The Point, As Usual
Hamilton Nolan · 09/29/09 01:29PMIn Marvel's World, Ching Chong China Man Rules. Or, Fools!
Andrew Belonsky · 09/24/09 09:29PMNever Lose Hope Broke
Hamilton Nolan · 05/22/09 10:41AMSarah Palin Establishes Her Legacy
ian spiegelman · 10/19/08 11:41AM
The highlight of Sarah Palin's career? It's not her guest spot on SNL, or her scary stump speeches in front of screaming crazy racists. It's this cover for the upcoming Tales From the Crypt comic. Sporting a hockey stick—and heaving breasts reminiscent of the comic's golden days—she asks the fleeing ghouls, "Didn't we get rid of you guts in the 50's?" It's a reference to Palin's book-banning ways, as well as to the wave of censorship that forced Crypt's original publisher to shut it down in 1955.