
Amanda Teaches James "Banana Etiquette" on Survivor

nightintern · 03/25/10 01:06AM

The air was moist with sexual tension (and sea salt) on tonight's Survivor. As Amanda confronted James about taking too many bananas, their discussion went in a decidedly flirty direction. Something tells us those aren't just friendly smiles.

Miley Cyrus Gives Cringeworthy American Idol Performance

Matt Cherette · 03/24/10 09:16PM

Last night's American Idol contained some of the worst performances in the show's history. And with "mentors" like Miley Cyrus—who just butchered her performance of "When I Look At You"—it's not hard to see why. Video inside.

The Amazing Race: Return of the Roaming Gnome

Kristina Lucarelli · 03/01/10 01:32AM

After two Chile-riffic episodes, the teams finally made their way to another country! All they needed was to take a "scenic, six-hour" bus ride through the Andes into Bariloche, Argentina. And the challenges had the cowboys written all over them.

Johnny Weir Skates Routine of His Life, Gets Screwed by Judges

Matt Cherette · 02/19/10 12:16AM

Oh, Johnny. Dear, dear Johnny Weir. You just skated the routine of your life at the Olympics. It was fabulous, as always. Flawless, too. And even though the judges screwed you, we won't forget how great you were. Video, inside.

Relax: McDonald's Global Economic Domination Is Safe

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/09 12:03PM

There is nothing—nothing—more American than McDonald's. So would weird, less-American competitors please stop trying to overtake McDonald's dominance? Soon, Subway will have more stores than McD's. What pansy message does this send to the world? Americans eat cucumbers?!?

Sporting News Explodes Back Onto Scene With Newsletter, Blog Guy

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/08 08:31AM

Old things are worthless in this computer world of the future! Look at old, venerable magazine titles. Life? Gone. The Saturday Evening Post? Ha. But the Sporting News—the throwback, stat-filled, serious sports magazine that started publishing in 1886—is trying to stage a comeback against the dominant glossies of today like ESPN Magazine. The Sporting News' three-pronged revival strategy: A digital newsletter; more (ghostwritten?) columns from retired sports stars (Troy Aikman speaks!); and a new column by the soon-to-be-former cult figure Will Leitch. Hey, one of those might be beneficial!

Obama Ad Slogan Contest Winner

Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/08 10:55AM

After weighing the comments in response to our post yesterday, we've picked a winning slogan for the upcoming Virgin Mobile Canada ad featuring Barack Obama. As you'll recall, the company already cranked out a sexy Spitzer scandal ad, and Obama is the next man on their schedule. They certainly didn't ask for any input on the slogan, but we decided to give them some anyhow. From you, and for free! There's no better deal. Two runners up, the winner, and our email to Virgin Mobile Canada corporate communications (as promised), below.

Jordan Golson · 10/04/07 06:45PM

Level 3 has cut more than 50 percent off the prices they charge for "content distribution" — the premium Internet service charged to online video purveyors and other bandwidth-intensive sites. It's a blow to competitors Limelight Networks and Akamai. Because Level 3 owns its own telecom backbone, they can afford to undercut the competition. We love ourselves a good price war. [GigaOm]