Hazel Cills · 01/19/14 02:46PM
Daniel Radcliffe Terrorizes Children
Caity Weaver · 07/13/12 03:31PM22-Year-Old Is Very Upset That She Didn't Get to Be Poor for a While
Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/12 03:25PM
Meet Taylor Cotter. I mean, just pretend she's here or something. Taylor is a 22-year-old graduate of Northeastern Journalism School. She has a job, a car, and an apartment. So what is Taylor's big problem? Her big problem is that she's too successful to be living "that 10-cents-a-word life that I always wanted." Crumbs! Can we help this poor young go-getter, somehow?
The YouTube Complaints Department is Fake and Gay
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/02/12 08:55AMYouTube personalities Vsauce, The Gregory Brothers, Jenna Marbles, Lauren Francesca, Andrea Feczko, and Franchesca Ramsey of Shit White Girls Say to Black Girls fame star in Barely Political's fake-but-probably-all-too-real look at the day-to-day of the receptionist at Youtube's Complaints Department.
Major Crisis: 23-Year-Old College Grads Are Working Shitty Jobs
Hamilton Nolan · 04/23/12 01:45PMWidely Despised Writer Wonders Why Commenters Are So Angry
Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/11 11:20AMShut Up, Katie Roiphe
Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/11 09:37AM
Katie Roiphe, one of the leading sex-opinion-havers of American letters, is the upper crust version of crazy cat woman Andrea Peyser. While Andrea only broadcasts her psychologically-fraught Victorian sexual shame to tabloid readers, Katie Roiphe gets to publish hers in all the favorite news outlets of East Coast Ivy Leaguers. She calls male novelists fey pussies in the NYT Book Review! She told women how to do divorce right in the pages of New York magazine! She pooh-poohed the notion of date rape all over the place! And now, she's taken to Slate—the Gawker of bored academics—to reveal how jokey children's book "Go The Fuck to Sleep" reveals that "yuppie" parents (unlike Katie Roiphe) are doing sex wrong.
Awards Season: When Good Actors Go Bad
Richard Lawson · 02/07/11 03:42PM
The Golden Globes and SAG Awards have been given out and the Oscar nominations have been announced, so we are reaching the denouement of the 2011 Awards Season Thrill-Parade. And, unfortunately, one of the saddest narratives of the season is playing out with one of our favorite actresses, Melissa Leo. She's gotten way too into the whole hoopla.
This Is the Worst First Day of School Since Last Year
Hamilton Nolan · 09/08/10 03:15PMConde Nasties Way Scared of Terror Attack
Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/10 10:41AMLife at American Apparel: The Employees Speak
Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/10 02:20PMAre Reporters Obligated to Protect Competitors' Anonymous Sources?
Hamilton Nolan · 05/06/10 09:43AMThe 'Sexually-Oriented' Cruises that Earned an SEC Complaint
Max Read · 04/21/10 12:45AMFreelancers Say Out, The Advocate Not Paying Writers
Hamilton Nolan · 03/19/10 11:35AMWashington Post: 'It's Like, Oh My God, Who Are These People?'
Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/10 09:59AM
Gabriel Sherman has a long piece in TNR today about the Washington Post, the primary purpose of which is to allow Post staffers to vent—about 'Salongate,' inexperienced business executives, entrenched editorial leadership that stunted ambitions, and, most notably, the fact that two WaPo staffers left the paper to start Politico, which is now kicking the WaPo's ass regularly on...Drudgebait:
World's Least Respected Conservative Thinker: There Are Too Many Gays and Whores in Newsweek
Pareene · 11/24/09 06:09PMHoneymoon Over: A Tardy Gibbs Enrages White House Press Corps
Pareene · 03/27/09 03:02PMRobert Gibbs was a couple minutes late to the daily White House press briefing, and the whiny kids who make up the press corps were furious. And they were getting along so well!