
Apparently this "blogging" thing is big

Nick Douglas · 05/08/06 03:33PM

Oh BBC, aren't you above this sort of thing? Not just running a four-year-late trend story on blogs' influence — "The impact of blogging has reached a tipping point, argues Julian Smith, senior analyst at Jupiter Research" — but tying it to the recent We Media conference.

Buzzword Babylon at OnHollywood

ndouglas · 05/04/06 06:17PM

OnHollywood, the conference held by the Tony Perkins's AlwaysOn Network that's just now wrapping up, shows the signs of a good and bad event. The good: A decent Flickr pool. The bad: A cluster on Tech Memeorandum. But the Flickr stream proves this was a missable event, or at least required a Web 2.0 Kool-Aid apéritif.

Women! At Mac World!

ndouglas · 04/25/06 12:10PM

Three months after San Fran's Mac World Expo, there's finally evidence that women did attend. interviewed them on camera. Amazingly, most of them weren't booth babes.

ConFonz at GDC: Will Wright's sloppy like Poppy

ndouglas · 03/24/06 02:30PM

Valleywag conference correspondent ConFonz pops in from this week's Game Developers Convention in San Jose, where the future's cloudy and the strippers are far away.

Geeking out: Mix '06 Tuesday

ndouglas · 03/22/06 03:42PM

Microsoft's Vegas conference, Mix 06, keeps rocking, and still no photos of Bill Gates gettin' funky on the dance floor. In the meantime, blogger Paul Mooney shares his Flickr'd pics from yesterday:

ETech talk roundup

ndouglas · 03/08/06 09:33PM

Deep into the quest to make actually attending the ETech conference unnecessary, attendees recap everything for the rest of us:

ETech 2006: Shiny Happy backchannel

ndouglas · 03/08/06 02:00PM

Backchannel backlash is swift and merciless. When's Hans Peter played a loud REM track behind his ETech 2006 presentation, the IRC peanut gallery roasted him as he spoke.

ETech 2006: The backchannel

ndouglas · 03/08/06 01:39PM

Every good conference (or every terribly boring one) has its IRC channel, a chat room where attendees can trade notes or, more often, snark about the speaker. ETech 2006 attendees and non-attendees can access #etech on, but the conference is just winding down.

Confabulous: Sony's North Beach Xbox bash

ndouglas · 03/03/06 09:19PM

Another corporate event report from another unfortunate attendee; this poor writer's pain is our glee. Here's the scoop from a Sony fest from San Fran's Beat neighborhood.