
And Now, a Coked Up Hamster

Matt Cherette · 11/04/10 01:16PM

OK, so maybe this hamster isn't coked up—in fact, he probably has rabies. But that doesn't take away from the fact that this is a 90-second video of one really pissed off hamster attacking people (and shoes!).

Bill Moyers Puts the Smack-Down on O'Reilly Producer

ian spiegelman · 06/08/08 10:51AM

One of Bill O'Reilly's slimy little producers tried to ambush PBS veteran newsman Bill Moyers at the National Conference for Media Reform yesterday, demanding to know why he wouldn't come on O'Reilly's silly Fox News shout-fest. Moyers turned the tables, demanding that O'Reilly set him up with an interview with Fox overlord Rupert Murdoch so that Murdoch can explain why we still haven't gotten the $20-per-barrel oil his network promised at the start of the war. And other things. See the exchange below.

Do Not Feed Or Photograph Kristian Laliberte

abalk · 09/24/07 11:10AM

Jory, a general in the army of our supergay IT warriors, reports the following altercation with New York's favorite LOLgaypublicist Kristian Laliberte this weekend.