Today's episode of Dr. Phil brought the conclusion of the incredibly hyped, two-day Ted Williams familiy trouble/rehab saga. During it, Dr. Phil held a one-on-one intervention of sorts and asked a reluctant and scared Williams to go straight into treatment.

The intervention (or "confrontation," as the show billed it) began with Dr. Phil forcing Williams to admit that he wasn't, in fact, clean and sober, as he'd claimed to be for the past two-and-a-half years. "That's why you do need to go to rehab," said Dr. Phil, before springing his plan—for Williams to fly to Origins Recovery in south Texas immediately following the interview—onto the troubled golden-voiced star. Watch:

[There was a video here]

While Williams seemed initially OK with the idea of going to rehab, he became more and more reluctant as he realized the immediacy of Dr. Phil's ultimatum, exclaiming, "I feel pressured!" Here's the video:

[There was a video here]

Things ended on a positive note, however, after Dr. Phil agreed to let Williams take a detour to Columbus, Ohio for a day or two—escorted by the director of the rehabilitation center—before heading into what will hopefully be a period of much-needed recovery and relaxation. Here's the final bit, including a parting hug between the two men:

[There was a video here]

Godspeed, Teddy.

[Dr. Phil]