
Adam Weinstein · 05/29/14 10:55AM

Paul Weyrich tried to found the political religious right in the '70s around porn, school prayer, the ERA, and abortion. "I was trying to get these people interested in those issues and I utterly failed," he said. Then he found something that worked: Fighting for racial segregation.

Critics Accuse Obama of Snubbing Troops After Obama Honors Troops

Adam Weinstein · 05/19/14 03:50PM

Saturday was Armed Forces Day. How did you celebrate? Oh, you didn't know? Neither did Commander-In-Chief Hussein Obummer. He was too busy celebrating International Day Against Homophobia Or Transphobia. That's according to right-wing bloggers. And they'd never steer you wrong! Right?

Adam Weinstein · 05/13/14 04:00PM

Conservatives want an exception to a recent federal rule requiring higher pay for fast-food-workers on military bases, because paying Joey 10 bucks an hour to salt the fries will drive BK out of business, and the troops will miss their Whoppers, and why do you hate the troops?

S.C. College Forced to Close Gender-Studies Center After Lesbian Play

Adam Weinstein · 05/13/14 12:59PM

Amid political pressure over its decisions to put on a "lesbian" play and offer incoming freshmen pro-LGBT readings, an embattled college in the South Carolina public university system has suddenly announced it's closing its gender-studies center.

Adam Weinstein · 05/13/14 08:55AM

That dreamy Rand Paul, he's so bold, he came out against Republicans' voter-ID crusade! Oh wait, his spokesman clarifies: "Senator Paul was having a larger discussion about criminal justice reform... At no point did Senator Paul come out against voter ID laws." Courage!

Here Is a Collection of Twitter Trolls Teaching Photoshop to Ann Coulter

Adam Weinstein · 05/12/14 11:20AM

Ann Coulter's bullshit conservative troll game is slipping. In her zeal to land a jab against... Twitter? Michelle Obama? Nigerian schoolgirls?... she opened a door for her detractors, and they jumped through it with a two-leg flying kick of Photoshop fury.

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 02:11PM

There's still time for you to vote for the anti-gay marriage ex-drag queen in today's North Carolina GOP primary for Senate. As he puts it: "Regardless of what I did in my twenties—remember to VOTE today—vote conservative and vote after praying." And DANCE after voting. In Lucite platforms!

Conservative Money Front Is Behind Princeton's "White Privilege" Guy

Adam Weinstein · 05/05/14 02:20PM

In all the furor over Tal Fortgang—the privileged white Princeton freshman who wrote so passionately about how he's not a privileged white guy—no one, not even the New York Times, noted that his post was made possible by a conservative group that bankrolls and grooms college kids for right-wing leadership.

Lawmaker: "Gay Sex" Involves "One Way Alley for the Garbage Truck"

Adam Weinstein · 05/02/14 10:04AM

A GOP representative and nondenominational minister dismayed over challenges to his state's gay-marriage ban penned a pun-filled letter to his local paper criticizing what he perceives as the health hazards of gay male-on-male sex involving "a one-way alley meant only for the garbage truck to go down."

Conservatives Freak After Duke U. Calls "Homo" and "Pussy" Offensive

Adam Weinstein · 04/29/14 12:10PM

There is censorship going on at Duke University! Well, it's not that people are... banning speech, exactly. They're just discouraging it. What speech? Oh. Um, telling people "Man up," "That's so gay," and "Don't be a pussy." I know. What will these tyrannical leftist pussies do next?

Deep Thoughts From Cliven Bundy's Damage-Control Press Conference

Adam Weinstein · 04/24/14 04:00PM

A simple, aw-shucks der-der-der cattleman with an arsenal and a drawl has captured the American conservative imagination. And vomited racist bile all over our dreams. But no worries, because he fixed it all with a Thursday afternoon press conference! Hear the man defend himself:

Jim DeMint Says There's No Way the Federal Government Freed the Slaves

Adam Weinstein · 04/09/14 12:40PM

Jim DeMint, president of the conservative Heritage Foundation and latest spiritual guru of the tea party, told a Christian radio host last week completely un-ironically that "the conscience of the American people" freed the slaves in the 1860's, not "big government."