There are a lot of tough jobs in journalism. Like last Friday, when Antonio Castelan of News 3 Las Vegas ventured out to the Bundy Ranch to interview the old racist cowman himself, Cliven Bundy, and ended up getting interrogated by a right-wing radio host and 30 of his biggest friends.

Shit got sort of scary, and Castelan got sort of out of there quickly.

Via Right Wing Watch:

It should come as no surprise to learn that Pete Santilli, an Internet radio host best known for wishing he could shoot Hillary Clinton "right in the vagina" and helping to organize last year's "Truckers For the Constitution" rally, has spent the last couple of weeks broadcasting live from Cliven Bundy's ranch in Nevada...

So, naturally, Santilli decided to confront a local TV reporter who had apparently questioned Bundy on his views about race, drawing the attention of Bundy supporters standing nearby.

"Who do you work for?" Santilli demanded of the reporter, who appears to be Antonio Castelan of Channel 3 New. "Do you believe that the media is state-run?" When Castelan responded that "as a Mexican-American" he didn't think his questioning on race was biased, Santilli hounded him: "Why do you believe you need to inject Mexican-Americanism into your line of questioning?"

"As a Mexican-American you should know that we're defending your rights, and you're working for the state-run media, and you should know that, especially by the bias in the line of your questioning," he yelled as Castelan walked away, hounded by Bundy supporters. "You're not serving the American public and you do not deserve even First Amendment constitutional rights, sir!"

Castelan seemed to take things in stride, dutifully filing his interview:

Santilli, meanwhile, was off apparently blaming Glenn Beck for starting a race war.