
Here Is Bruce Lee Beating Up Racist Writer John Derbyshire, Who Has Cancer

Maureen O'Connor · 04/09/12 10:15AM

This weekend racist pundit John Derbyshire lost his column at the National Review for being more direct with his racism than that magazine allows. We reached out to Derbyshire and Taki's Magazine executive editor Mandolyna Theodoracopulos, who is ostensibly responsible for publishing Derb's racist article, for comment. Mandolyna, the daughter of Taki's Magazine namesake and "soi disant anti-semite" Taki Theodoracopulos, responded thusly:

I Asked Sarah Palin the Dumbest Question Ever: How to Become Another 'Obedient Little Troll' at CPAC

Emma Carmichael · 02/14/12 11:35AM

Herman Cain, listed in the official program as "Former CEO, Godfather's Pizza," took the stage at about 4:30 on Thursday at the Woodley Park Marriott in Washington, D.C. It was day one of the Conservative Political Action Conference, and he was the main attraction. There had been a long line throughout the lobby before his scheduled appearance. It was an earnest crowd. The prevailing concern at the conference (I overheard one college student saying) was with showing people it was cool to be an American.

CPAC: Endorsing Joe the Plumber, Declaring War on Hyphens

Emma Carmichael · 02/10/12 11:00AM

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Samuel Wurzelbacher, otherwise known as "Joe the Plumber," is still plumbing. He is running for Congress as a Republican in Ohio's Ninth District—Dennis Kucinich's turf—but he is also still plumbing. He just did a job for a friend two weeks ago. He says he will plumb for life.

Tea Party Summer Camp: The Experience of a Lifetime

Max Read · 06/15/11 01:44AM

Is your child's summer camp a bit too... Kenyan, let's say? Don't worry! There's still space at the weeklong "Tampa Liberty School," a camp designed to help children aged 8-12 learn about important concepts like Freedom and The Gold Standard.

Whether Liberal or Conservative, Hip Young DC Residents Are Nerds

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/11 09:20AM

It's already been established that Washington, DC—once known as the Most Dangerous City in America—is now being consumed by a young, hip vibe that threatens to engulf the entire metropolitan area in a tidal wave of youth, hipness, and white people. We now turn to the Washington Post for a deeper look at this phenomenon. What does the newly young and hip DC look like? Like a bunch of nerds, drinking.

Did Anthony Weiner Tweet a Picture of His Weiner?

Max Read · 05/28/11 04:55PM

Did liberal hero and would-be Mayor of New York Rep. Anthony Weiner (D - N.Y.) Tweet a picture of his own, underwear-clad erection last night? Conservative bloggers sure seem to hope so!

Tim Pawlenty Makes It Official With Glorious Video

Jeff Neumann · 05/22/11 11:07PM

You've seen his hype video, Courage to Stand. You've seen his "red-hot smoking wife." You've seen him be a man's man. Such a tease. Then on Sunday night, Tim Pawlenty made it official: It's A Time for Truth and he's running for president! In his newest and perhaps greatest video yet, you'll hear words from Tim Pawlenty that are reassuring in these trying times: truth, courage, blue collar, cupcakes, truth, American Dream, truth... Tim Pawlenty.

How Not to Oppose Intervention in Libya

Max Read · 03/22/11 03:27AM

The role of the United States in the Libyan revolution is a difficult issue. Do we have the right to intervene? Do we have the duty? What are our responsibilities, as a superpower and as a member of the global community? These are thorny questions, and most of those who oppose a military response are giving them the respect and thought they deserve. These people are not.

Juan Williams Is Now a Clown

Hamilton Nolan · 01/07/11 10:09AM

Yesterday Ellen Weiss, the NPR executive who called Juan Williams to fire him after the once-respected newsman spoke about his fear of airplane passengers in "Muslim garb," resigned. NPR's CEO's also being punished. Who comes out looking worst? Juan Williams.

If You're Conservative, It's Your Brain's Fault

Richard Lawson · 12/29/10 11:12AM

Scientists in dreary old Englandtowne have learned that people who cleave to a more conservative ideology have a larger amygdala, the part of the brain that controls "anxiety and emotion," and a smaller anterior cingulate, which controls bravery and optimism.

Richard Nixon Was Even More Racist Than You Thought

Jeff Neumann · 12/11/10 10:54AM

We already know that Richard Nixon was a racist dick. He also liked to record conversations — like the 265 hours that were released this week by the Nixon Presidential Library. Hint: He didn't think much of blacks or Jews.