The Clare Boothe Luce Institute has released the 2012 edition of its annual Great American Conservative Women calendar, featuring most of the biggest names in conservative lady-dom! Now you have the perfect gift to give friends and family this Halloween.

The calendar women this year include: Clare Booth Luce (who has been dead for 2,000 or so years but, you know, namesake), Kate Obenshain, Star Parker, Monica Crowley, Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, Rep. Renee Ellmers, Rep. Jaime Herrera Buetler, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Andrea Tantaros, S.E. Cupp, and, of course, Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Missing someone, aren't we, hmm? the CBL Institute has a special note for readers about this: "Our friends and supporters often inquire about why Governor Sarah Palin is not featured in our calendar. We invite Governor Palin to participate every year and are hoping she will be able to join us for the 2013 edition." Well, I'm uncomfortable.

As for the Great American Conservative Constitutional Patriot Women-Americans who did sign up for this year's calendar, here are a couple of samples from this truly fantastic press release!

Ann "August" Coulter likes to sit on her skyscraper windowsill and read the papers.

December's Michele Bachmann enjoys benches.

S.E. Cupp, president of November, is known to eat lunch.

[Images via Clare Boothe Luce Institute]