Which of Your Favorite Brands Will Soon Be Thrown In the Garbage?
Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/14 01:07PMHot Christmas Toys Already Decided
Hamilton Nolan · 06/20/14 09:20AMLet's Boycott Amazon! Now Where Do We Buy Stuff?
Tom Scocca · 05/28/14 03:55PMHamilton Nolan · 04/28/14 07:44AM
Only Buy Cheap Razors
Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/14 03:04PMDo You Shop Like a Jerk? (Probably)
Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/12 03:58PMCyber Monday Has Made Mindless Consumerism Fashionable Again
Adrian Chen · 11/28/11 04:40PMWalmart Touts Crowd Experts It Used To Develop Black Friday Plans
TPM · 11/26/11 05:41PMWatch the Great Black Friday Two-Dollar Waffle Iron Riot
Max Read · 11/25/11 12:46PMWhat's the funniest thing about this video of people nearly rioting over a $2 waffle iron at Wal-Mart? Probably the bit where it embodies everything awesome about America, including a horrible economy, aggressive consumerism, mindless violence and a complete lack of concern for one's fellow human beings. And let's not forget internet rubbernecking and smug class hatred, sure to arrive soon in comments on all the finest sites on the web! Happy Black Friday, everyone! [@HurrAKAneCam19 via Short Form Blog]
Never Forget All the Tacky 9/11 Memorabilia
Brian Moylan · 09/08/11 02:26PM
In the excellent New York magazine 9/11 issue, Mark Lilla says, "The tragedy will be mourned, then trivialized, then commercialized, and then amnesia will set in." There are some tchotchkes that mourn, trivialize, and commercialize that tragedy all at once. Here is the tackiest 9/11 related crap we could find.