
Win a New Kindle Touch and Give Your Books a Vacation

Studio@Gawker · 03/07/12 03:59PM

There's nothing wrong with a regular old book, unless of course, the book is too big and heavy, or gets boring, or ends halfway through your six-hour flight. Because then, you're going to be cursing your book and making vague threats about using it as kindling—and that's no way for a literate, book-lover like yourself to sound in public. You're going to wish you had the Kindle Touch eReader. And right now, you can win a free Kindle Touch by clicking here and answering this short survey. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself making excuses to spend more time traveling.

Wanted: Your Brilliant Words In Exchange for Glory and $100

Studio@Gawker · 03/02/12 03:59PM

You've already read Richard Lawson's opus on the prove to the world that you, in fact, are the King or Queen of Boldness, by sending your 500-word essay/blog post/epic poem/manifesto to Gawker at with "My Boldest Experience" as the subject line. The best (funniest, most compelling, least lame) of the bunch will be published here on Gawker, and then you can revel in that particular glory and gloat to all of your friends who have Internet access. And you'll win $100 AMEX gift card with which to buy things.

Staying In Is the New Going Out

Studio@Gawker · 02/02/12 11:59AM

Sure, it's nice to get out of the house once in a while, but that new bodega/speakeasy/ Off-Track Betting parlor that everyone has been raving about is two train transfers and a walk down Sketchy Lane away. Besides, isn't the whole point of being popular that you can make other people come to you?

Staying In Is the New Going Out

Studio@Gawker · 01/31/12 12:59PM

Sure, it's nice to get out of the house once in a while, but that new bodega/speakeasy/ Off-Track Betting parlor that everyone has been raving about is two train transfers and a walk down Sketchy Lane away. Besides, isn't the whole point of being popular that you can make other people come to you?

Blind Item: Who’s Seriously Broken Bad Recently?

Studio@Gawker · 07/13/11 11:00AM

Those pesky celebs. When they aren't sending around dong shots or breaking out of rehab, they have to go and ruin our image of them by starring in movies or voting in the Senate. Call it schadenfreude or a rip-roaring good time, but there is nothing we love more then when famous folk do bad all by themselves.

Now’s Your Chance To Make Your Apartment Less Crappy

Studio@Gawker · 05/17/11 11:00AM

That probably bedbug-infested beanbag chair that you're rocking in your walk-up doesn't come off as retro, it reads more like "I still hide my bong under the kitchen sink every time my mom comes over to do my laundry." However, if you take this quick survey, email the last question to with "Ikea Gift Card Contest" as the subject line, you'll be entered to win a $150 gift card to, you guessed it, Ikea! Mom will be so proud!

Now’s Your Chance To Make Your Apartment Less Crappy

Studio@Gawker · 05/10/11 11:00AM

That probably bedbug-infested beanbag chair that you're rocking in your walk-up doesn't come off as retro, it reads more like "I still hide my bong under the kitchen sink every time my mom comes over to do my laundry." However, if you take this quick survey, email the last question to with "Ikea Gift Card Contest" as the subject line, you'll be entered to win a $150 gift card to, you guessed it, Ikea! Mom will be so proud!

Win an Amazon Gift Card, and Buy Something Besides Gross, Smelly Books

Studio@Gawker · 03/24/11 11:00AM

The only people who think Amazon is still just for books are the Olds who do things like refer to the Times as the Grey Lady. Ew. If you take the short survey below you could win a $150 gift certificate to Amazon and get all sorts of new, young, sexy, trendy stuff like a Kindle, or an iPod, or a toaster! Email your answer to the question to with "Amazon Contest" as the subject line, and you'll be entered to win.

Win an Amazon Gift Card, and Buy Something Besides Gross, Smelly Books

Studio@Gawker · 03/21/11 11:00AM

The only people who think Amazon is still just for books are the Olds who do things like refer to the Times as the Grey Lady. Ew. If you take the short survey below you could win a $150 gift certificate to Amazon and get all sorts of new, young, sexy, trendy stuff like a Kindle, or an iPod, or a toaster! Email your answer to the question to with "Amazon Contest" as the subject line, and you'll be entered to win.

Do You Dream that You Are the Hottest Thing in Hollywood?

Studio@Gawker · 03/14/11 11:00AM

Who doesn't? Whatever dreams of glory you may have, hop on over to the Dream Visualizer to see your dream turned into a personalized animation that you can then share with all of your Facebook friends.

You Too Can Be Internets Famous

gawkercreative · 01/18/11 03:59PM

All you need is a golden voice, some cats and a precocious baby. Oh, and a recording device. Take the quick survey inside, email your answer to the question to, and you'll be entered to win a Kodak Playfull Video Camera. Kid, you're gonna be a star!