
A Cotton-Candy Blue Camera Can Be Yours

gawkercreative · 05/11/10 01:59PM

Just answer a few questions, email the last one to, and be entered to win a cute Canon Powershot SD 1200 IS to take to the Botanical Garden or the circus or the top of the Empire State Building or wherever your out-of-town guests drag you this weekend. [Rules.]

What Makes You an Otarian?

gawkercreative · 04/26/10 01:59PM

Otarian (noun): 1. of the earth. 2. New, low-carbon veggie restaurant, where everything—from the floor, to the tables—is made from recycled materials. Can you rival the greenness? Send us your Tales of Green Living and you could win a recyclable prize! Click through for details.

Last Chance to Win a Shopping Spree!

gawkercreative · 04/21/10 01:59PM

With spring sprung and new wardrobes needed, who couldn't use a $150 Bloomingdale's Gift Certificate? Just take this survey, email the last question to and you'll be entered into our giveaway. It's your last chance, so get clicking and start shopping! [Rules]

Do You Dream that You Invented the Next Big App?

gawkercreative · 04/18/10 10:17AM

Instead of trying to explain the particulars, why not head over to the Dream Visualizer to see your dream turned into a personalized animation that you can then share with all of your Facebook friends?

Do You Dream of Hurtling Through Space at 54,000 MPH?

gawkercreative · 04/11/10 10:26AM

This particular dream, though common, is an always stimulating dip into the subconscious. Head over to the Dream Visualizer to see your dream turned into a personalized animation that you can then share with all of your Facebook friends.

It's nearly impossible to explain a dream. The Dream Visualizer is here to help. Share your most vivid dream, and you will get to see it animated. And we're going to choose our favorite and give one of you dreamers a sweet prize: a $100 AMEX gift card*!

Take a Survey, Win a Shopping Spree

gawkercreative · 04/08/10 01:59PM

Spree...what a great word. Well, you could win a $150 Bloomingdale's Gift Certificate with which to spree if you take some time to answer a few questions. Just email the last question to and you'll be entered to win! [Rules]

Do You Dream of Landing a Book Deal Based on Your Devastatingly Witty Status Updates?

gawkercreative · 04/04/10 10:53AM

Don't we all. Head over to the Dream Visualizer to watch your dream turn into a personalized animation that you can then share with all of your Facebook friends.

It's nearly impossible to explain a dream. The Dream Visualizer is here to help. Share your most vivid dream, and you will get to see it animated. And we're going to choose our favorite and give one of you dreamers a sweet prize: a $100 AMEX gift card*!

Do You Dream of Reaching the Kill Screen?

gawkercreative · 03/28/10 10:51AM

And finally capturing top score glory over whoever DPD may be? Head over to the Dream Visualizer to watch your dream turn into a personalized animation that you can then share with all of your Facebook friends.

It's nearly impossible to explain a dream. The Dream Visualizer is here to help. Share your most vivid dream, and you will get to see it animated. And we're going to choose our favorite and give one of you dreamers a sweet prize: a $100 AMEX gift card*!

Reminder: Tell Us Your Triumph of Stupidity

gawkercreative · 01/22/10 02:59PM

And you could be one of two Gawker readers invited to attend the Diesel NSFW Gawker Artist opening/mega-party at Gawker HQ on 1/28. Then check back next week to read the stupidest (best)! Contest details after the jump.

Do You Dream that You Are the Hottest Thing in Hollywood?

gawkercreative · 01/21/10 05:06PM

Who doesn't? Whatever dreams of glory you may have, hop on over to the Dream Visualizer to see your dream turned into a personalized animation that you can then share with all of your Facebook friends.

Tell Us Your Triumph of Stupidity

gawkercreative · 01/20/10 02:59PM

And you could be one of two Gawker readers invited to attend the Diesel NSFW Gawker Artist opening/mega-party at Gawker HQ on 1/28. Then check back this week to vote for the stupidest (best)! Contest details after the jump.

Next Stop, Holiday Travel Horror Stories!

Brian Moylan · 12/22/09 01:50PM

Commenters are leaving great tales of airport woe and torturous car trips. If you want to try to win a $50 MetroCard, go leave your worst Christmas commute story in the comments of the original post. Happy trails! [Image via]