
Catholic Synod Debates Homosexuality Without Reaching Consensus

Brad Friedman · 10/19/14 01:55PM

A meeting of Catholic clergy in Vatican City over the past two weeks has ended without a consensus on acceptance of homosexuality. A draft released last week of the report on the meeting on family issues contained contentious language at bishops have spent the week walking back.

Kelly Conaboy · 09/14/14 11:00AM

Cool Pope marries 20 couples, some of whom are already living together and one couple who already has a child, in St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican, on Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014. Image by Alberto Pizzoli, via AP.

Brendan O'Connor · 03/30/14 02:30PM

Cool Pope Francis confesses his sins in full view of cameras and attendant churchgoers. "At one point, the priest hearing his confession appeared to chuckle," the Associated Press reports. "Francis, solemn-faced, then rose and started hearing confessions himself." Image via AP Photo/L' Osservatore Romano.