
Viacom's Nightmarish New Payment System

Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/09 11:40AM

Yesterday we heard rumors that Viacom has introduced a new system for screwing its vendors out of getting paid on time. Today, more insight into the Kafka-esque world of "InvoiceWorks," from a real vendor!

Only Masturbation Can Save Cable

Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/09 09:04AM

Porn porn porn. Cable companies are hoping to "quietly" sell enough pay-per-view porn to make, you know, a profit. Ad Age wrote a whole story about it just so it could use this quote:

Happy Birthday, Time Warner. Enjoy It.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/09 04:16PM

Do you know what today is? It's the 20th anniversary of Time Warner. The massive merger that created the media behemoth happened on March 4, 1989. Time Warner was the future! And now?

Everything Bad Happens Today

Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/09 01:00PM

Well now, let's just open the paper and have a look at the...OHMIGOD, what the hell, Jesus Christ, is the entire world economy collapsing today, worse than ever? Yes it is.

Private Jets: PR Poison

Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/09 10:40AM

It used to be that private planes inspired hatred simply because their occupants were probably over-wealthy environmental hypocrites. But thanks to the recession, private jets are an even more radioactive populist issue. Fly and die!