
Dan Abrams Responds: 'We could not be taking ethics any more seriously.'

Hamilton Nolan · 11/26/08 02:37PM

Former MSNBC host-turned PR employer of media people Dan Abrams has sent us a response to our coverage of his project, in which we pointed out that being a journalist and a corporate consultant at the same time is a conflict of interest. You can judge it for yourself, but we should note that, 1: If media reporters gave free passes to all friends and/ or former colleagues, media reporting would be even worse than it is now, and 2: Like we said, we're not allowed to sell out until after we've been laid off. Permanently. Here's his full note:

Vice Demands Cooler Letters

Hamilton Nolan · 08/22/08 08:28AM

Vice magazine is suspending its letters page for a month, in protest of the fact that they now just get stupid emails, whereas they used to get real letters with "gifts inside." The hipster mag's editors instruct readers to send in "actual, tangible letters" printed on real paper if they ever want to see their precious letters page again. To increase your chances of publication, be sure to include a bag of coke, a photo of a wasted Williamsburg girl who looks totally ready to screw a Vice editor , and a BMW marketing proposal. [NYO]

Fellow Fox Flack Defends Briganti's Honor

Hamilton Nolan · 07/07/08 03:24PM

A Fox colleague has written in to defend Irena Briganti, who we dubbed The Most Vindictive Flack In The Media World in an item earlier today. Erica Keane, VP of media relations for Fox Television Stations, "strongly disagrees" with us, as well as the "cowardly anonymous individuals" who were sources for our "hate filled hit-piece." Her full letter, after the jump:

What Is This "Indie" We Speak Of?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/02/08 01:41PM

Stephen Bower, the A&R and marketing director of Vanguard Records, writes in regarding our earlier post on Vanguard artist Greg Laswell, the "indie" (according to the WSJ) musician who has a slew of corporate promotional deals. "As for Greg's indie cred, I've never been entirely sure what that means exactly, but for what its worth he made the entire new record in a garage, in 3 weeks, on a shoestring budget, and with a collection of pawnshop guitars, banjos, and noisemakers that would probably set you back $500 combined," says Bower. Noted! His full rumination on Laswell, indie-ness, and how all your favorite bands are forced to do corporate shit these days, after the jump.

"Enough with dancing mushrooms and asparagus parfaits."

Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/08 11:29AM

I received this mysterious message yesterday (subject line: "Critical Condition") from someone who must have thought it very important, because it was sent via Blackberry at almost midnight. The sender's identity is unknown. The only clues are a strong animosity towards exclusive noodle bar Momofuku, a disdain for Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni, and an intimate knowledge of cancer doctors, all rolled up in a jet-set lifestyle and finished with (I'm guessing) about a fifth of Jim Beam. What does it all mean? Please reveal yourself, imperious drunken stranger! The full message for you to analyze, after the jump.

Science Group Asks Us To Correct Accurate Description

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/08 09:31AM

We got an email from Jeff Stier, associate director of the American Council on Science and Health and author of yesterday's editorial in the NY Post about the cockroach peril New York will face as a result of Whole Foods' paper bag use. We referred to ACSH in our post yesterday as "the conservative 'science' group ACSH, which is funded by Dow Chemical, Chevron, and a slew of other corporations." Stier says "Gawker owe's ACSH a correction" for that post, although you will notice that our description is accurate, and is not even contradicted by Stier's own description of the group. He also objects to the fact that "reporters often ask about funding only when some if it may come from industry," something I would characterize as "good reporting." His full letter is reprinted after the jump.

Is Dov Charney Neglecting His Chihuahua?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/08 04:24PM

A Los Angeles neighbor of American Apparel hipster-in-charge Dov Charney writes in after seeing our item about Dov's charming front yard "Fuck off" sculpture. Turns out that while he's often seen wandering around talking on the phone and scratching his balls, Dov may be letting his primary occupation, assisting young models, interfere with an equally important obligation: taking care of his poor little chihuahua, named "HedKayce." Dig it! The full email, after the jump.

5WPR Argues Its Case

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/08 12:20PM

On Wednesday night, I had a meeting with Juda Engelmayer and Adam Handelsman, two top executives at Ronn Torossian's 5WPR, to hear them out. The meeting could accurately be described as "strained, but civil." I told Handelsman—who sold his own firm to 5W in 2004, and is now a partner in the agency—to send me a letter outlining his objections to our coverage of Ronn and 5W, and we would run it. His email came last night, and it is reproduced in its entirety below.

Charlie Sheen Hate E-Mails To Denise Richards Reveal A Fondness For Words 'Jobless' and 'Pig'

seth · 10/03/07 01:15PM

The rare olive branch in the ongoing Charlie Sheen-Denise Richards divorce came in an e-mail dated Aug. 24, when, according to court documents, Sheen apologized for a wide array of regrettable remarks he made about his ex-wife and her family, including "a comment about your poor Mom," "your abilities as a mother," and "my pigheaded assertion that you pressed the button that detonated the second tower." Fox411 has revisited the papers to find what, exactly, was contained in those enraged correspondences he so desperately wishes he could unsend: