
Ex-Tunisian Dictator was a World-Class Jewel Thief and Druggie

Jeff Neumann · 06/20/11 05:58AM

The trial of deposed Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali begins today in absentia, since Ben Ali is yukking it up with Saudi royals on his extended vacation there. Today's trial is the first of many, but this one is pretty juicy. Ben Ali is charged with theft, as well as drug and weapons possession, and the case is built on evidence recovered from two of his palaces outside of Tunis.

Israeli Rabbis Condemn Dog to Stoning

Seth Abramovitch · 06/19/11 09:00PM

A rabbinical court in Jerusalem has sentenced a dog to stoning, according to Behadrei Hadarim, a Hebrew website for ultra-Orthodox Jews. The sentencing came after a large dog wandered into the Monetary Affairs Court in the neighborhood of Mea Shearim.

Inevitable Barefoot Bandit Movie No Longer Part of Plea Deal

Jeff Neumann · 06/09/11 02:04AM

20-year-old Colton Harris-Moore, the "Barefoot Bandit" who became famous for stealing airplanes, boats and other rich people toys while shoeless, has been sitting in jail since his arrest in the Bahamas last July. The Bandit is a prime suspect in over 70 crimes. Originally a plea deal was being hashed out that would give all proceeds from book or movie deals to his victims and their insurance companies. But one of the Bandit's lawyers, John Henry Browne says prosecutors are no longer into the idea. Speaking to the AP, Browne said:

Berlusconi Appears at Fourth Trial in Four Months

Jeff Neumann · 05/09/11 07:35AM

At least you're not spending your Monday doing this: "Premier Silvio Berlusconi has arrived in court for his corruption trial on charges he bribed a witness to lie in another trial." And that's not even the bunga bunga one! [AP]

Murderer Attacks Prosecutor During Closing Argument

Max Read · 05/02/11 07:18PM

It's not a good idea, when you're on trial, to attack the prosecutor in the courtroom. But Emanuel D. "E Man" Mitchell had already been convicted of murder, so he probably figured he had nothing to lose.

Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to 120 Days in Jail

Matt Cherette · 04/22/11 07:22PM

Even though the felony theft charge against Lindsay Lohan was reduced to a misdemeanor during a preliminary hearing earlier today, the judge did rule that the fallen starlet had violated her probation. And now Judge Stephanie Saunter has handed down her punishment, sentencing LiLo to 120 days in county jail.

Lindsay Lohan Rejects Plea Bargain

Maureen O'Connor · 03/10/11 01:31PM

Lindsay Lohan arrived in court today 35 minutes late and in a tight tan mini-dress. (Is that leather?) At the hearing, she rejected a plea deal for the felony grand theft of a $2500 necklace. This means Lindsay is headed to trial! A whole trial's worth of LiLo court outfits! Think of the possibilities. (If you're thinking about going into the paparazzi business, now is a good time.) First, however, the court will convene on April 22 for a preliminary hearing where the prosecution will present evidence.

Judge to Lohan: 'I Don't Care That You're Lindsay Lohan'

Maureen O'Connor · 02/23/11 01:04PM

In a cleavage-baring top and chunky jewelry, Lindsay Lohan reported to court today court for the grand theft of a $2000 necklace. Per usual, the appearance was livestreamed on TMZ. The judge announced that if Lindsay Lohan accepts a plea bargain—as her lawyer has said she'd like to do—it will have to include jail time. "If you plead in front of me, you are going to jail, period. If the case settles here, you will go to jail," Judge Keith Schwartz said. Worrying about whether the ruined starlet would become a "repeat offender," he asked for "additional psychological information" and made his lack of interest in LiLo's celebrity clear:

Don't Even Think About Avoiding Highway Tolls in China

Jeff Neumann · 01/17/11 07:21AM

Last month, 43-year-old farmer Shi Jianfeng was sentenced to life in prison for the most heinous of crimes: not paying highway tolls. So Shi's younger brother tried to take the fall for him, saying he had bribed the proper authorities.