
Now Casting: A Life of Privilege, Mostly

Haber · 02/24/05 04:46PM

Just what TV needs: more shows about rich people pretending to work for a living. This casting call comes to us via Craigslist (where all extraordinarily wealthy New Yorkers go to buy used futons and find "cheep" apartment shares):

Team Zissou Adidas Continue To Poison America's Youth

Jessica · 02/23/05 10:09AM

Despite our desperate efforts, the rakish masses are still clamoring for Wes Anderson's painfully precious Team Zissou Adidas as featured in The Life Aquatic. The latest report in this hipster tragedy comes from the far off land of Seattle, where one man — despite his self-awareness — gives in to the lemmings of temptation:

DuFresne Murder Suspects In Custody, Media Still Dubs LES Trendy

Jessica · 01/31/05 01:36PM

In a display of law-enforcement muscle, NYPD has arrested five suspects in the murder of (beautiful) Nicole DuFresne, who was shot during a botched robbery attempt early Friday morning. Officials are expected to comment during a press conference this afternoon, but police believe they have the gunman in custody.

A New Evil: Billyburg Beauty Pageants

Jessica · 01/19/05 02:50PM

Just in case you needed further proof that Williamsburg, the Brooklyn birthplace of the Ironic Trucker Hat and current epicenter (we suspect, anyhow) for the Team Zissou Adidas, is still a real place full of real people who might be in need of a real good smack, allow us to show you Exhibit A, the proposed Miss Williamsburg pageant:

Remainders: Mac Mini Makes Techies Hot

Jessica · 01/11/05 04:49PM

· The Mac Mini is unveiled and it's pornrageous. [Gizmodo]
· Fashion king (or queen) Mr. Blackwell releases his Worst-Dressed list. Nicolette Sheridan and Lindsay Lohan predictably come in first and second, respectively. [NBC4]
· We don't think Ed2010 is the best newsletter either, but ranting on Craigslist isn't going to solve anything. [Craigslist]
· Is the NineElevenster networking site an offensive satire of Friendster? Maybe. Is it serious? Most definitely not. [NineElevenster]
· Blog TVNewser scores an interview with CBS Senior VP for Standards Linda Mason. [TVNewser]
· Having a Korean Name But Not Being One Bit Asian: B- [BlackTable]
· After over 24 hours on his front page, Drudge finally removes the naked prisoner pyramid image. [Drudge]

Groundbreaking NYC Tourist Behavior Initiative

Jessica · 01/06/05 11:15AM

We kind of love NYC tourists. After all, they all congregate in midtown and leave our neighborhood alone. But their presence does create some inconveniences and, while we kindly welcome slow-moving families from Kansas with open arms, we can't help but agree with a Craigslist poster who believes that there could be some improvements to the city's tourist system:

Roc-A-Fella Man Is Ready For Love

Jessica · 12/22/04 12:16PM

Is it just us, or has the Roc-A-Fella family been on a massive PR campaign as of late? Try as we might, we can't avoid Damon Dash and his army of successful hip-hoppers. To wit:

Craigslist For Brooklyn-Loving Millionaire Real Estate Moguls

Jessica · 12/01/04 10:56AM

When we have an extra $14.5 million in real estate-ready cash burning a hole in our pocket, we immediately go to online bulletin board Craigslist—because obviously there's going to be something totally worthy of our dollars. Like something in, say, Williamsburg. Yeah, we hear that's a hot neighborhood and totally the sort of thing a Craigslist reader would be interested in! Tale of Two Cities writes:

Love in a time of SARS

Gawker · 05/02/03 11:10AM

601am's Aaron Bailey notes that Toronto Craig's List personals now include "SARS-free" as a requirement. I was going to use the word "asinine" but then I realized that the title of the ad is "convince me why I shouldn't order porn" and it seems like needless redundancy.
Convince me why I shouldn't order porn [CL via 601am]

Craig's List roundup

Gawker · 04/18/03 10:29AM

Gawker intern/Black Table contributor Lindsay Robertson has now accumulated a healthy group of stalkers at Craig's List, thanks to her weekly Craig's List roundup. The people impersonating her are the creepiest. Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay! Everyone wants to be Lindsay! Just as well, though. Lindsay may soon be giving up her Craig's List duties to pen an 800 word book proposal for a novel about a young gossip column intern who's consistently abused by her bossa bitchy editor from Alabama who demands that her martinis be mixed just so. Let the bidding war begin!
The week in Craig [Black Table]