
Rap Music Kills Again

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/09 09:23AM

Rap music: Will it ever stop inspiring America's youth to commit multiple homicides? Not likely, if the sad case of Richard "Syko Sam" McCroskey is any indication. Because he's charged with killing four people.

Mays Lives On — In Sticker Form

Andrew Belonsky · 08/27/09 02:40AM

Few celebrities touched our lives as deeply as pitchman and cocaine user Billy Mays. And, in an effort to ensure his dreams lives on, deranged mourners are affixing his likeness to anything and everything that will accommodate a sticker. [TMZ]

Michael Jackson Lives!

Andrew Belonsky · 08/26/09 10:18PM

People are stupid. Pure and simple. Take, for example, rumors circulating that Michael Jackson, like Tupac and Elvis, still walks among us. Why would people believe such an outlandish thing? Again: they're stupid. And then there's this...

Media Matters Inadvertently Contributes to Birther Documentary

Pareene · 08/25/09 09:14AM

Like it is barely even about how Barack Obama was secretly born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and is the son of Malcolm X! Most of the movie is just clips of cable news people talking about the election and Obama's first few months in office. But the highlight is surely this all-time classic of unintended consequences:

What's the Matter With Arizona?

Pareene · 08/24/09 04:12PM

One guy is really "burning up the blogs" with some "controversial wishes for the President," according to MSNBC. Hey, a great excuse to publicize yet more crazy death threats against Barack Obama!