
Is "American Police Force" the Next Great Militia?

Andrew Belonsky · 09/29/09 10:08PM

Think things in America can't get any more unsettling? Well, you're wrong. Meet the American Police Force, which will soon take over a Montana jail that once asked to house Guantanamo inmates. And, shocker, they're shady as hell. Let's look...

Biggest Lawsuit Ever

cityfile · 09/25/09 11:48AM

Many people are pissed off at bankers in the wake of the financial crisis. Dalton Chiscolm is angrier than most. He's filed a lawsuit against Bank of America for "$1,784 billion trillion," damages he says he deserves because BofA didn't deposit a couple of checks into his checking account. (As for how much "$1,784 billion trillion" actually is, it's approximately 9 trillion times more than Bank of America is worth.) The good news: The judge assigned to the case is Denny Chin who presided over Bernie Madoff's $65 billion Ponzi scheme case, so he's used to big numbers. [Daily Finance, Dealbreaker]

Steve King, Best McCarthy-Loving Homophobe Ever!

Andrew Belonsky · 09/24/09 02:35AM

Some people hate ultra-conservatives lawmakers because they try to restrict rights, propel hatred and are generally nasty jerks. But there's something to be said for the absurd amount of entertainment one gets from people like loony lawmaker Steve King.

Khadafy Speaks!

cityfile · 09/23/09 10:18AM

Moammar Khadafy didn't get to stay in Bedford last night—construction on his Bedouin-style tent was halted last night after his plans to camp out on Donald Trump's estate were revealed publicly—and he instead had to bunk down at the Libyan mission on East 48th Street. The world's most fashionable dictator held his first meeting of the day early this morning when he had a tête-à-tête with one the few people willing to talk to him, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Then it was off to the United Nations where he bypassed protesters and delivered a rambling speech about, well, you name it. Dressed in tan-colored robes, black cap, and with a shiny black pin in the shape of Africa pinned over his heart, Khadafy relied on a handful of handwritten pages to deliver a 90-minute speech, which was about 75 minutes or so over the limit.