
Lester Ruston Just Wants Katie Couric to Leave Him Be

cityfile · 03/27/09 10:47AM

Lester Jon Ruston would really, really appreciate it if Katie Couric would stop bothering him already. That's certainly a sentiment we can appreciate! Her CBS newscast is a bit of a bother to sit through, no? Ruston's beef, however, doesn't have anything to do with her role of TV anchor. He says that Couric has spent the last few years making it her mission to harass him and ruin his life. Does that strike you as a little crazy? We should probably mention here that Ruston is a full-time resident of a medical facility that houses the criminally insane. But just because his imagination appears to be getting the best of him doesn't mean he lacks a work ethic. Ruston's original 2006 lawsuit against Couric back when she was at NBC was dismissed by a judge, but he's since updated the suit to reflect her gig at CBS. And this week he filed papers to depose Couric, so he can finally get to the bottom of the conspiracy against him. Ruston's legal filings and correspondence with the judge—which feature his signature catchphrase "Mess with Les... Go Down with the Rest!"—is below.

David Frum: "What the Hell Is Going On at Fox News?"

Pareene · 03/18/09 12:23PM

Beck (pictured here, at home) has gone off the deep end, rehashing ancient John Bircher conspiracy theories, pointing his growing audience toward extremist literature, and gleefully (and tearfully) playing at unstable demagoguery. This doesn't sit well with Mr. Frum, who'd maybe like to see the Republican party win elections instead of forming paramilitary militias in fortified rural compounds. (YOU ARE NOT ALONE, WE SURROUND THEM, I'M WORRIED FOR THIS COUNTRY—we think we know where that sort of argument is headed!)

Not Every Industry Is Suffering, Clearly

cityfile · 02/26/09 06:15AM

"Demand for fake testicles for neutered pets, including dogs and cats, is also holding up during the recession. Southern California is the biggest market for Kansas City, Missouri-based Neuticles, said Gregg Miller, the company's founder. Its most expensive prosthetic testicles, for large dogs, cost $1,299. 'You would assume that with people losing their homes and jobs, the last thing on their mind is buying a pair of fake testicles for their pets,' Miller said. 'Folks in California love their pets and are trendsetters. They'd do anything for them, no matter what the economy is doing.'" [Bloomberg]

Newspaper Really, Really Didn't Mean to Offend Gun Nuts

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/09 05:23PM

The Memphis Commercial-Appeal posted on its website a publicly available list of citizens who have concealed weapons permits. Did this cause gun nuts to go crazy, terrifying the newspaper's editors? You bet!