Hamilton Nolan · 10/25/13 12:14PM
Stanford Lecturer Has a Crazy Idea: The Tech Industry Should Secede
Max Read · 10/21/13 03:08PMHamilton Nolan · 10/18/13 09:28AM
Crossfit Is Super Libertarian, Cool
Hamilton Nolan · 10/02/13 03:17PM
Crossfit is an exercise program with pluses and minuses. On the plus side, it really will get you in good shape. On the minus side, its adherents sometimes resemble intolerably intense cultists, and also, it turns out, it's run by extreme libertarians who enjoy sharing pro-capitalist philosophies, to go with your squats.
Is This the Most Unhinged New York Times "Vows" Column Ever?
Caity Weaver · 09/23/13 05:44PMPeggy Noonan Knows How Foreigners Think
Hamilton Nolan · 09/20/13 09:25AMCrazy Russian Climbers Snap Breathtaking Shots from European Landmarks
Max Read · 09/12/13 11:14AMWho Really Believes Syria Is Part of a Biblical End Times Prophecy?
Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/13 08:38AMThis $1,000-an-Hour White-Shoe Lawyer Will Also Heal You With Crystals
Max Read · 08/27/13 09:15AMPsycho Sex Lady Taking Some Time Off
Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/13 08:20AM
Sad news, chuckleheads: Perma-enraged seething cauldron of bigotry and ill-concealed sexual tension Andrea Peyser, the tabloid columnist who has been a longtime "Gawker favorite" in the same sense that Slobodan Milosevic was a "favorite" of the International Criminal Tribunal, is taking a leave of absence from the New York Post.
Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/13 04:26PM
Here's a 58-Page Handbook for Some Dudes' 'Epic July 4th Trip to Ptown!'
Hamilton Nolan · 06/26/13 10:25AM
The summer is here, and that means it's time for thousands of affluent east coast party animals to pack up and head to the rented beach house in Provincetown for the annual 4th of July PARTY WEEK. Are all you guys ready to "have a blast this summer with another epic July 4th trip to Ptown?" Great! Step one: read this 58-page PDF document!
Here Come the Michael Hastings Death Conspiracy Theories
Max Read · 06/20/13 09:33AMMechanic Tried to Sell Radiation Weapon to Klan, Synagogues, Feds Say
Max Read · 06/19/13 02:43PMRepublican Congressman Loves 'Conservative Message' of Public Enemy
Hamilton Nolan · 05/16/13 12:35PMOnly Elitists Oppose Monsanto's Global Domination Plan, Says CEO
Hamilton Nolan · 05/15/13 02:58PM
Monsanto is a $58 billion multinational Pesticide-'n-Frankenfood corporation that has moved on from selling Agent Orange to its new business of patenting actual seed genomes and then suing farmers who try to grow crops without paying the Monsanto corporation. Who could be opposed to such a thing. Only the elites, clearly.
Four Stabbed in New Mexico Church by Man Shouting 'Fake Preacher'
Max Read · 04/29/13 07:42AMFalse Flags and Roof Terrorists: Your Guide to All the Internet Horseshit
Max Read · 04/16/13 12:35PM
It's already begun: The wacko conspiracy theories about the Boston Marathon bombings are taking over the internet. (In fact, "it" began only 30 minutes after the explosions, when conspiracy kingpin Alex Jones pre-emptively declared it a "False Flag" attack.) Here's our rundown of the most popular—which is to say the dumbest—conspiracy theories and general internet horseshit.