Peggy Noonan: '[Male Genitals]'
Hamilton Nolan · 03/16/12 03:10PM
Breathy Reaganite Peggy Noonan dislikes the coarseness that has crept into our public dialogue. The coarseness, she dislikes it. But there it is, in our public dialogue. Peggy Noonan did not create this world. Creating this coarseness is not something which sings to Peggy Noonan's soul. But she must acknowledge it. She is a columnist, you see. The coarseness, it is a topic of our time. "All this has devolved into a political argument about who's worse, the right or the left," sighs Peggy, metaphorically, by writing a sentence in her WSJ column. "I don't think that's the most important question, but since it's on the table the answer is the left."
Every Variety of Pathological Internet Commenter Appears on One Random Story
Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/12 01:07PM
Here is a story on the New York Post's website about a jury ruling that Americo Lopes, a New Jersey man who hit a $77 million lottery jackpot, must share his winnings with his coworkers, who were in a lottery pool with him. The details of this story are unimportant. It is fascinating because, like a petri dish freshly set with agar gel, it has attracted every variety of Awful Internet Commenter. Behold:
The Internet Is The Biggest Threat to Publishing Since the... Xerox Machine?
Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/12 10:02AM
Harper's Magazine publisher John R. "Rick" MacArthur is a man who was born wealthy and has used some of his wealth to publish a great magazine. That's good. Where he pays his staff notoriously meager salaries and fights against their efforts to form a union. That's bad. Rick MacArthur, though, has one overriding redeeming aspect: he is fucking hilariously dumb when he talks about the internet.
If We Stop Spying on Newark's Muslims 'People Will Die,' Says Lunatic
Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/12 09:47AMRich Person or Troll? The Perpetual UrbanBaby Riddle
Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/12 03:49PM
The message boards of are home to some of the most self-loathing, wealthy, haughty, and miserable parents in all of America. Or are they? Even to our keen internet eyes, it is sometimes impossible to tell whether an UrbanBaby poster is a rich person, or a troll impersonating a rich person. Can you help?
Human Embodiment of Hatred Not a Fan of Valentine's Day
Hamilton Nolan · 02/13/12 09:35AMHow to Date a Wall Street Sociopath
Max Read · 02/09/12 03:00PMAndrea Peyser Is Against Rape (Allegations by Sluts)
Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/12 10:02AM
We all know that frenetic tabloid sex oracle Andrea Peyser is strongly opposed to hussies, as well as sluts. But how does she feel about loose lying whores who cry rape as a way to cover up for their own loose, whorish behavior, and maybe they should have just never opened their legs for every man who says hello? Today, she clarifies her stance on this important matter.
Super Bowl Viewers May Not Be Treated To Images of Dead Fetuses During Game
Nell Jensen · 01/30/12 07:25PM
Long shot write-in Democratic presidential candidate and generally disliked media whore Randall Terry's bizarre quest to win supporters for his extreme anti-abortion agenda by assailing millions of Super Bowl viewers with a campaign commercial full of images of dead fetuses is not surprisingly meeting with oh, just a bit of resistance from at least one TV station in Chicago. While FCC rules dictate that local stations are required to air whatever insanity a federal candidate is willing to put in campaign ad form for 45 days leading up to a primary election, Chicago's NBC affiliate is trying to get around the requirement that it run Terry's commercial with the correct argument that the rules should not apply in this case since he is not, you know, an actual candidate.
Meat Magazine Compares the Humane Society to Hitler
Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/12 03:30PM
One rock solid rule of editorial writing is, if you're against something, you always want to find a way to compare it to Hitler. This works because people hate Hitler a lot—and, through the simple principle of transference, they will have an equal amount of hate for whichever thing you compare to Hitler. This is just a basic "trick of the trade" which cannot backfire.
A Hedge Fund Manager's Bizarre, Lengthy Response to a Declined Second Date
Max Read · 01/27/12 12:40PM
Now and then, we get forwarded crazy emails that people — most of whom are men involved in the finance industry — send to the people they're dating, or have dated, or want to date. Today: a thesaurus-happy hedge-fund manager accuses a woman he's been on one date with of lying to him and decides he'll teach her the best way to reject someone.
Andrea Peyser Is Extremely Mad and Incredibly Dumb
Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/12 09:13AM
Animatronic tabloid rage sex screed-writer Andrea Peyser has set aside her sexcellent sexcapades for a day in order to get good and rageful about something deplorably predictable. "More rage, less sexxx" may be Andrea Peyser's catchphrase, in 2012 (time will tell). What is Andrea rageful about, today? Well, let's just see what's in the movie theaters, shall we?
The Sad, Strange Seven Months of Emails from the Starbucks Stalker
Max Read · 01/18/12 06:51PM
When we started documenting the phenomenon of guys who deal with rejection by sending bizarre, overlong, passive-aggressive emails to women they've gone out with once, we figured it was restricted to brokers and investment bankers. Until an anonymous tipster forwarded us these emails from a tutor who's been emailing her for seven months — after only one date.
Keith Olbermann Objects to 'Some Ball-less Clown' Talking About Him
Hamilton Nolan · 01/10/12 06:08PMJay-Z and Beyoncé's Daughter Is Almost Definitely Illuminati
Max Read · 01/10/12 10:15AM
Why did Jay-Z and Beyoncé name their daughter Blue Ivy? Possibly because they are exceedingly wealthy celebrities for whom the act of procreation is chiefly an exercise in branding... or because "Blue Ivy" is a secret code revealing her membership in an ancient and all-powerful occult secret society. Which could it be??
This Unkempt Boothead Is Terrorizing New Hampshire's Diners
Jim Newell · 01/09/12 02:31PM
The New Hampshire primary is supposed to be a civil, grassroots affair in which Granite Staters politely listen to a class of sophisticated presidential candidates discuss the important issues — trade, housing, etc. — and then pass on their choice of the most serious of the serious candidates for the nation to certify. There is no time for silliness; this is an affair of statesmanship. Also, there's this crazy guy who wears a boot on his head and shouts nonsense who shows up in Manchester every cycle.
Prepare for Newt Gingrich's Greatest Display of Self-Destruction Yet
Jim Newell · 01/04/12 04:30PM
Newt Gingrich never got to complete his political career. He only lasted as Speaker of the House, a job he'd successfully wrangled after plotting his path for a psychotic 14 years, for a couple of terms, the latter half of which he spent as an incompetent figurehead. He was reprimanded and fined for ethics violations and forced out of power by the House Republican majority he'd brought to power for the first time in half a century.
Gawker Book Club: Speak of the Devil, by Aaron Gell
Hamilton Nolan · 12/19/11 12:30PM
Peter Braunstein was a former writer for The Village Voice, WWD and other New York publications who became a tabloid sensation in 2005 after he went crazy, raped a woman [Correction: Braunstein was convicted of kidnapping, sexual abuse, robbery and burglary. He was never charged with rape], and went on the run. Aaron Gell (now an editor at the New York Observer), a former colleague of Braunstein's, has revisited the man and tried to make sense of his crimes in his new Kindle Single, Speak of the Devil: How Peter Braunstein went from Fashion Casualty to Tabloid Monster.
Andrea Peyser's Year in Review: 'The All-American Booty'
Hamilton Nolan · 12/19/11 09:28AM
What a year it's been for Andrea Peyser, the sourpuss racist lesbian xenophobe sex fiend who serves as the conscience of New York City's most fascist tabloid. Today we are blessed with Andrea's "Year in Review" column, widely considered journalism's most exciting day after the Pulitzer Prizes. Equally looked-forward-to is our condensation of this column into readable form! Without further ado, we present The Shorter Version of Andrea Peyser's Year in Review Column, Which Is, Naturally, on the Topic of SIN: