
Chelsea Slasher Subdued by Salsa DJ and Crew

Jeff Neumann · 07/09/10 04:56AM

Apparently upset about the price of a pair of shades in a Chelsea boutique, a man yesterday brandished a knife and stabbed the store manager. He stabbed more people outside before being subdued by a Salsa DJ and his crew.

First Pop Star on Mars

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/07/10 10:45AM

Recently returned from her Martian tour, Flash Jordan performs some hits on public access. The cosmically crazy diva sings of interstellar Cadillac drives, Elvis sightings, and space hats, then slow-jams to a dog. Fact: spaniels don't care about the cosmos!

Tracy Morgan's Real-Life Crazies Make It Onto 30 Rock

Richard Lawson · 04/08/09 01:08PM

Tracy Morgan can't lose! The gonzo 30 Rock star makes bizarre TV appearances and doesn't get in trouble. We just laugh and love him more, and then the incident becomes a joke on 30.

Angry Christian Bale In Gentler, Higher-Pitched Times

Richard Lawson · 02/03/09 12:30PM

It's of a young Bale in Steven Spielberg's 1987 epic Empire of the Sun. He's singing to Japanese people. Look at how sweet and innocent he was! What changed? What made him so spoiled and mean in the years since? We may never know. It's a shame. Where has Cowboy Kelly gone?

Bakery Celebrates Obama with 'Drunken Negro Head' Cookies

Richard Lawson · 01/23/09 10:00AM

The Lafayette French Pastry bakery in the Village is super trendy. Their cakes were used on Sex and the City! And, like every other trendo, they're showing Obama some love. With, um, "Drunken Negro Head" cookies.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Done Up In Noir

Richard Lawson · 12/04/08 06:08PM

Otherworldly celebrity power couple Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, who fashioned a baby out of stardust and moonbeams one windy night up in their attic, are on two different covers of T magazine, the New York Times' fashion and fancy stuff publication, this month. They're lovely photos, but... isn't there something oddly menacing about them? Maybe it's the harsh black and white or the vaguely Germanic face pose (is that a thing?) struck by Mr. Cruise. Or maybe it's just that I know so much (or think I know so much) about their wild and woolly lives. What do you think? [via Us] Click through for larger.

Are Reality Television Shows and The Internet Making People Crazy?

Richard Lawson · 08/28/08 09:40AM

Do you have the nagging fear that your whole life is being documented by unseen cameras, or that the Internet people are coming to get you, or, perhaps, that you may pour a glass of water from the tap and send the world into ecological cataclysm? Well you may be a delusional crazy person! And not just any old delusional crazy person, but a modern one. Well, so sayeth the New York Times in a trend piece today about crazy people. These days you just might have "Truman Show delusion" (like the movie!) or "Internet delusion" or "Climate Change delusion." But what came first, the chicken or the crazy? Most psychiatrists seem to the think that, in the case of Truman Syndrome, the fear generated by reality television—that the people of the world has gone mad for documenting each other's mundane existences, invading privacy at any cost—is simply a new trope for people who were already paranoid and delusional to grab onto. There is an air of Fear of Persecution, a good ol' crazypants standby, in the idea that cameras are documenting your every move. It's a lie, it's sinister. Everything else is fake! No one is real but me! Lonely and desperate imaginings. It must be how Lauren Conrad's dog feels. So yes the fear was always there, it's just taken on new themes. A psychiatrist at NYU tells the paper:

Oh, Bob

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/08 10:50AM

What's new in "The Bobosphere"-the magical land where Ad Age's untethered old columnist-for-life Bob Garfield says things that make sense to Bob Garfield, exclusively? Well today, he's insinuating that the recently pulled Snickers commercial showing Mr. T shooting a speed walker with Snickers bars was probably the inspiration for the man who shot up a church in Tennessee yesterday because he hated liberals. Oh, Bob. We don't even know what to say. [Ad Age]

Peter Braunstein Won't Make The Mediabistro Christmas Party

Hamilton Nolan · 07/17/08 04:46PM

Peter Braunstein, the former WWD writer who went psycho and turned into a rapist on the run a couple years back, has been sentenced to 23 years in prison in Ohio. That's after he finishes his 18-to-life bid in NY. He called himself a "Hamlet character," complained about the "absurdist quality" of the trial, and promised to orchestrate his own murder in jail, preferably before Christmas. So, still crazy. [NYDN]

Gary Busey Would Like To Bounce A Few Ideas Off You

Hamilton Nolan · 07/16/08 04:49PM

Here's what you've been waiting for, if you're an eccentric millionaire looking to invest a fortune in off-the-wall, possibly crack-inspired schemes: 40 business ideas from actor Gary Busey! These come in the form of 40 different ads for some obscure business phone company (whatever). The point is, Gary Busey really appears to just be riffing all of these off the top of his head so he can leave and get a drink. Bear hair dye? Oh Gary, you are an incorrigible national treasure! Two clips of his wacky wisdom, below:

Dave Chappelle Fundraiser Turns Out Even Worse Than You Could Imagine

Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/08 09:48AM

Bad news for Real World cast member-turned Congressional candidate (D-Pop Culture) Kevin Powell: Dave Chappelle totally spaced out on Powell's fundraiser in Brooklyn last night, costing him the crucial Chappelle-fan vote! The comedian was supposed to headline the fundraising show, but never appeared, possibly because he is crazy. Then Chris Rock refused to go on too, in solidarity! And it only got worse for Powell: a drunk journalist, for chrissake, tried to grab the mic and steal the show [UPDATE: And there's a video!]:

"I swear my golden retriever Chaucer said 'hi' to me one morning."

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/08 12:37PM

I recently started subscribing to National Geographic, and its coverage of Stonehenge and jungles is incomparable. But I'm convinced that the sly geography wonks on its editorial staff get their kicks each month by selecting the most insane letters to the editor, and putting them into the magazine. The new issue has letters about a March story on animal intelligence. They must have gotten thousands! So who's represented? Inexplicable dog haters, lamb-whisperers, and schizophrenics:

Wendy Williams Still Making Everybody Mad

Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/08 12:08PM

You can look at Wendy Williams, the loud queen of hip hop talk radio, in two ways: she is popular, in the sense that her show is still one of the biggest things on the radio dial; but she's also not popular, in the sense that her crazy husband runs around her studio hiring hitmen, sexually harassing the female employees, and generally acting like a gangster, according to a new lawsuit from a traumatized publicist. Williams denies it all, including the claim that her husband slammed her up against the wall because she failed to stop smoking. But one thing she can't deny: she is mean. In 2006 she told everybody on air about how Wu-Tang rapper Method Man's wife had cancer—which was private. Method Man responded with one of the most sincere anti-gossip rants in recent history: