
The Creative Writing of the Internet's Premier White Supremacist Forum

Ashley Feinberg · 04/11/16 01:54PM

Since its founding by a former Ku Klux Klan leader in 1996, Stormfront has been the internet’s number-one watering hole for white nationalists and neo-nazis. Its users’ brand of hate has sunk politicians, inspired documentaries, and even spawned its own media arm, The Daily Stormer. But there’s something you may not know about these ultra-racist, ultra-conservative keyboard warriors: They love to write poetry.

Phil Knight Partying, Growing With Stanford Coeds

Pareene · 12/03/07 03:50PM

The one creepy old dude in your undergrad creative writing course? Maybe it's Nike founder Phil Knight, who's secretly been attending classes at Stanford, learning to bare his soul through fiction. Knight isn't enrolled at Stanford, but $105 million donations have a way of opening doors.

Yale Prof: Alec Baldwin Did Not Seduce "Audrey"

Doree · 04/27/07 10:38AM

Last night we heard from Yale Associate Professor of English Bill Deresiewicz (affectionately known in these parts as "Cockmaster D"), who was upset that we'd posted two assignments from his class on "Reportage" the other day. (Assignment: "Report on a person or event in such a way as to include your presence as a narrator.") His students wrote about Alec Baldwin's visit to the Yale campus, and Baldwin's flirtation with a girl who was named "Audrey."

Alec Baldwin's Trip To Yale

Doree · 04/25/07 05:05PM

Alec Baldwin doesn't spend all his time on the phone in New York City, it turns out. Last week, he visited Yale to give a "master's tea" but also took some time to get acquainted with his surroundings. Fortunately, two of the university's creative writing students encountered Mr. Baldwin while he was there—and they recorded their impressions.