
NYPD's Blowhard Union Boss Is Feeling a Little Scared and a Little Confused

Andy Cush · 04/05/16 10:10AM

Let’s look at a few recent headlines published yesterday and today about crime in New York City. “New York City just recorded its fewest shootings ever,” reads a Fusion article from this morning, which aggregated the Huffington Post’s report, “New York City Murder Rate Drops To Historic Low.” Police magazine, however, took a different approach: “NYPD Union Chief Blames ‘Anti-Police Atmosphere’ for Rise in Shootings, Slashings.”

New Orleans' Plagued Public Defender Office Can't Even Afford to Represent Itself in Court

Andy Cush · 03/30/16 05:17PM

With the utter breakdown of the public defender system in Louisiana showing no sign of abating, the New Orleans Times-Picayune has published a profile of an average public defense attorney who has remained loyal to the cause despite having every conceivable reason to find a new job. In a detail that English teachers in Louisiana would no doubt describe as the perfect example of irony if Louisiana education budgets weren’t sitting on the chopping block alongside the public defender system, the article notes that the defender’s office is so broke it can’t even afford a lawyer for itself.

"We Got the Right Spic": Innocent Man Who Spent Year in Rikers to Sue City 

Andy Cush · 03/11/16 02:35PM

Enger Javier, a Bronx man who was arrested for manslaughter and spent a year in Rikers Island before charges against him were dropped in February, will file a lawsuit against the City of New York on Monday. In the suit, Javier’s attorney alleges that an NYPD detective said, “We got the right spic,” in reference to his arrest, and that he was repeatedly denied when he asked for a lawyer.

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/16 09:15AM

After a New York teenager gave a panhandler $1 last week, police say the panhandler hugged him and said “God bless you,” while stealing the boy’s $500 iPhone. The priceless lesson he received is a bargain at $501.