

Nicholas Carlson · 05/08/08 09:59AM

Here is DoubleClick's office in Colorado. I've never been there, but I know for a fact there are more Cathy cartoons pinned against gray cubicle felt in this office than any other in tech. (Photos by Ben Saitz)


Nicholas Carlson · 05/08/08 09:59AM


Think anybody's ever kicked the plastic white picket fence in Yahoo's New York office? How about one of the lounging employees? (Photos by skreuzer)

Tech's top 10 workspaces

Nicholas Carlson · 05/06/08 08:00PM

What makes for an appealing workspace? The envelopes they leave in your mailbox every two weeks. But after that, it comes down to design and amenities. Also, we like windows and brick. Lots and lots of brick. After spending some time on Office Snapshots, we present the ten best-looking offices in tech, below.


Nicholas Carlson · 05/06/08 07:55PM

Pixar's Emeryville headquarters look like a set from one of their movies, except the humans look real. Photos by Moriarty at Ain't it Cool News

Google Zürich

Nicholas Carlson · 05/06/08 07:55PM

Google's Zürich offices also have a fireman's pole.


Nicholas Carlson · 05/06/08 07:55PM

Digg's headquarters are in an unremarkable corner of San Francisco — but dugg for the office signs that look like Digg badges. And the beer.


Nicholas Carlson · 05/06/08 07:55PM

They like right angles and clean surfaces at Austin-based interactive agency Tocquigny's offices. We do too. Photos by pierpont.communications


Nicholas Carlson · 05/06/08 07:55PM


Nicholas Carlson · 05/06/08 07:55PM

Etsy founder Rob Kalin's BFF Martha Stewart would never approve of this workplace. It's much too unkempt. But we do, for its handmade feel and the huge window onto Brooklyn. Photos by Amit Gupta and mmmfiber

Gawker Media

Nicholas Carlson · 05/06/08 07:55PM

Nick Denton's new steampunk sweat shop on Elizabeth Street is the nicest in Nolita. (Full disclosure: I get to work there, and you don't.) Photos by Nick McGlynn


Nicholas Carlson · 05/06/08 07:55PM

There's a movie theater at Netflix HQ. That and movie quotes from Dr. Strangelove will put you n this list every time. Photos by HackingNetflix

Six Apart

Nicholas Carlson · 05/06/08 07:55PM

With high ceilings, lots of brick and a bicycle garage, Six Apart's offices never remind engineers that they're contributing to global warming by helping General Motors sell cars. (Photos by Stephen)


Nicholas Carlson · 05/06/08 07:55PM

Most of the Googleplex is ugly — gray and corporate. But then there's the gym, swimming pools and vollyball courts. Photos by jyri, spanaut, FrameSniper and kikidonk

Why Googlers go: because they want to control everything

Nicholas Carlson · 05/05/08 11:40AM

Ionut Alex Chitu compiled a selection of farewell notes from departed Googlers. Nostalgic and longwinded, they're full of remembrances of free food and something called respect for engineers. Here's the good stuff — Googlers on why Googlers go. Four-word version: To be in charge.

Apple thinks corporate — or rather, corporations think Apple

Nicholas Carlson · 05/02/08 11:00AM

Out of 250 surveyed companies, 87 percent report owning Apple computers. That's up from 48 percent In 2006. In BusinessWeek's story on Apple's creep into corporate cubicles, Dimension Data CIO Mark Slaga explains how Apple is gaining ground without really trying: "Steve Jobs doesn't need a sales force because he already has one: employees like the ones in my company." (Though, as it happens, Apple is looking for office space in Manhattan's Midtown, which could conceivably house salespeople.)

It's Friday afternoon and the specter of Microsoft haunts Yahoo

Nicholas Carlson · 04/25/08 05:20PM

A source close to Yahoo, closer yet to its Media Group, tells us that the emotional strain of February's layoffs, and more expected to come if the Microsoft deal goes through, has Yahoos in the grip of fear. "The big push inside of Yahoo right now is for everyone to justify what they're doing for a living," our source tells us.

Bebo employees claim to welcome AOL bosses, but secretly fear them

Owen Thomas · 04/23/08 07:00PM

Vested employees at social network Bebo, anticipating the massive stock-options payday they'll get when AOL finalizes its $850 million purchase of their employer, have been passing around stickers that read "I, for one, welcome our new AOL overlords." One was so excited that he sent it to Valleywag — and then rapidly thought better of it, fearing that this leak of sensitive information would somehow jeopardize the merger. Such typical Valley groupthink: Yes, little programmer, the fate of the entire company is riding on your shoulders! Loose lips sink acquisitions!