Fly Girls: Drop the Call
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/01/10 04:59PMThose fair ladies of the friendly skies save their bitchiest cat fights and dishy drama for the ground. Bonding by the bottle, tempers flared and claws came out when Nikole jokingly answered Tasha's phone. That shit don't fly, girl!
Andy Cohen Wanted to See More of Levi's Johnston · 03/23/10 04:52PMTinsley Mortimer's Boyfriend Is Also the Director
Matt Toder · 03/17/10 10:37PMThe World Is Not Ready for the Fabulous Train Wreck of André Leon Talley on America's Next Top Model
Brian Moylan · 02/08/10 11:15AMTinsley Mortimer and Devorah Rose Teach Us How Reality TV Is Supposed to Work
Brian Moylan · 11/18/09 11:12AMCuts at Condé, Weinstein Layoffs & Another 'BW' Bidder
cityfile · 09/23/09 02:17PM• Condé Nast editors and publishers may be forced to cut their budgets by as much as 25% now that the consultants reviewing operations are completing their tour of duty. Not surprisingly, "significant layoffs" are expected. [NYO]
• More trouble for Harvey: The Weinstein Co. says it plans to cut 35 additional positions at the film company over the next month or so. [THR]
• A new bidder for beleaguered BusinessWeek appears to have emerged in ex-BMG chief Strauss Zelnick and former WSJ publisher Gordon Crovitz. [BW]
• WSJ, the glossy owned by the Wall Street Journal, is expanding [WWD]
• The CW is planning a reality show about what it's like to be a Virgin flight attendant in search of "good times, great parties, adventure and love." [Wrap]
• Mark Consuelos (or Mr. Kelly Ripa) has been given the boot by Oprah. [NYP]
• The Observer is moving from the Flatiron district to a Jared Kushner-owned building in Midtown: "If I'm paying rent, I'd rather pay it to myself." [NYO]
• Eight out of ten Americans say they would oppose any plan to spend tax dollars to bail out failing newspapers. You're shocked by that, we're sure. [E&P]
Mischa Barton's Wisdom Teeth Managed Not to Ruin The Beautiful Life
Brian Moylan · 09/17/09 01:05PMDrake: Degrassi's Most Likely To Succeed?
Andrew Belonsky · 09/02/09 02:28AMWho Doesn't Want a Reality TV Show?
cityfile · 07/15/09 02:33PM
Fabiola Beracasa isn't the only social butterfly looking for a little reality TV stardom. (She may be the only one with an actual deal in hand, though.) Fashion Week Daily dropped the news this afternoon that Tinsley Mortimer approached the CW recently about hosting a show about "life as a socialite divorcée"—and the CW passed! (Au contraire, says the Tinz; various networks have been approaching her about doing something, but she's been forced to turn them all down because she values her privacy.)
Playboy For Sale; Cannes and Upfront Week Wrap Up
cityfile · 05/22/09 11:58AM• Want to buy Playboy? Mail a check for $300 million to Hugh Hefner. [NYP]
• A look at the "highlights, lowlights and sidelights" from upfront week. [NYT]
• The Cannes Film Festival didn't stir up as much buzz as in years past, although industry types are hoping/praying that the worst is over. [WSJ]
• Tyra Banks will have 12 hours of airtime a week on the CW this fall; if she "gets hit by a car this year, the CW will have to go out of business." [NYP]
• Bruce will be the last act at Giants Stadium before it's demolished. [AP]
• T+L's new pro-travel ad campaign suggests people "please go away." [WWD]
• Vintage Books is promoting Netherland with a blurb by Barack Obama. [NYO]
• Jon Peters' tell-all about Hollywood sure sounds interesting! [DHD]
American Idol Ratings, The CW's Plans For the Fall
cityfile · 05/21/09 11:31AM• American Idol's finale scored its lowest ratings ever for the 18-49 demo. Not that there's a chance Ryan Seacrest will be disappearing anytime soon. [THR]
• The CW has unveiled its fall lineup. As expected, the Gossip Girl spin-off isn't happening. A social media-centric ad campaign, however, is. [Variety, NYT]
• New York magazine is raising subscription rates. [Folio]
• Google is reorganizing its ad sales team and cutting a few jobs. [WSJ]
• Thanks to the $75K speaking fee Tom Friedman accepted (and returned), Times staffers have been reminded about the paper's ethics guidelines. [LAT]
• Paste Magazine hopes to survive by asking readers for donations. [Gawker]
• Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich wasn't permitted to appear on NBC's I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!, so his wife will do it instead. [THR]
Gossip Girl To Annoy You For a Whole 'Nother Year
Richard Lawson · 02/25/09 01:49PMObama's Address, MSNBC's Faux Pas, CW Renewals
cityfile · 02/25/09 11:23AM• President Obama's first Congressional address drew in 33.6 million viewers last night, according to preliminary figures from Nielsen. [ML]
• It was Chris Matthews who muttered "Oh, God" on MSNBC last night, right when Bobby Jindal was about to deliver the Republican response. [Politico]
• Fourth-quarter profit declined 77 percent at the Washington Post Co. [NYT]
• Remember the DABA Girls? Yea, well, much of what they told the Times was BS, which is why the paper issued a correction today. [Newsweek, NYT]
• The CW has renewed a bunch of shows, including 90210, Smallville, America's Next Top Model, and—most importantly—Gossip Girl. [Variety]
• Ex-Domino editor Deborah Needleman is "spending more time at the gym" in order to acquire "one of those Connecticut-housewife bodies," FYI. [MM]
• Jared Kushner may be cutting a deal to sell the Observer at Starbucks. [NYP]
'90210': The Father of Kelly's 'Splash-Off' Revealed!
Kyle Buchanan · 09/17/08 12:40PMIt was the question that had all of America's small, CW-watching audience in its thrall for about a week, tops: who is the father of Kelly's baby on 90210? Sure, Canada took great pains to give away the show's secret, but for spoiler-avoiding true patriots, last night's episode finally revealed the babydaddy behind Beverly Hills's most famous "splash-off".Jennie Garth had her own take on the matter, telling People:
Kyle Buchanan · 09/16/08 02:50PM

Though rumors continue that the CW may not outlive May sweeps, last night's ratings provided a bit of good news for the network: Gossip Girl, which has never managed to translate its huge New York media buzz into actual nationwide ratings, earned its highest numbers ever (3.7 million viewers), and along with One Tree Hill, contributed to the best Monday night in CW history. Does the 11% boost in viewers from Gossip's past two episodes bode well for a possible 90210 resurgence tonight, since the latter drama saw its numbers fall in its second outing? We'll know tomorrow whether all the babydaddy drama has paid off, or if the show's continued slide in the ratings will presage an emergency rescue from one very hirsute West Bev alum. [THR]
'America's Next Top Model' Boldly Going Wherever A Set Budget Of $149 Will Take Them
Seth Abramovitch · 09/04/08 06:45PMLast night's premiere of the latest cycle of America's Next Top Model unveiled this season's epic theme—"As sci fi as we can possibly make this using things found at a dollar store"—to much squealy delight from the carefully selected pool of regular- and plus-sized replicants. While the audience seems to be dwindling for such catwalk-crawling minstrel shows (the ratings hit an all-time low), the series is to be commended for never failing to adapt and innovate. Take, for example, the introduction of exciting Glamonator 11.0 technology: A more sophisticated descendant of the Sleeper Orgasmatron, it's capable of producing an amazingly convincing hologram of a completely-over-it reality hostess who wishes she could fold up shop on this ghetto-ass exercise in model-search futility to spend more time on her Emmy-winning talk show. Smile with your circuits, ladies!
Who Needs '90210' With This Lucrative Gig Impersonating Zach Galifianakis?
Kyle Buchanan · 09/04/08 01:20PM
While the record-breaking premiere of 90210 has left certain stars smiling (and smiling, and smiling), some of the franchise's original cast members have better things to do than stand around and flash those pearly whites for a measly 12 share. Take Jason Priestley, for example, who showed up to Nike's 10k Global Human Race in Los Angeles this week with his teen-dream sideburns upstaged by a massive, world-beating beard. Looking less like Brandon Walsh and more like the homeless man Brandon Walsh invited to Thanksgiving, Priestly was also kind enough to share his curt thoughts on the CW re-do:
'90210' Stars Jennie and Shannen: Ladies Don't Punch, They Scratch
Kyle Buchanan · 08/27/08 07:15PM
Despite the fact that Jennie Garth is still taunting Shannen Doherty with expertly crafted put-downs, EW was able to wrangle the two 90210 stars for an arm-in-arm photo shoot and revealing Q&A. In it, Doherty reveals that she never really liked Brenda Walsh ("They just took her in a really odd direction that I didn't necessarily agree with at the time") and that she still harbors insecurities begun by the seminal "I Hate Brenda" newsletter. All well and good, but what about the matter everyone still cares about: the long-rumored Doherty/Garth catfights?
Shannen Doherty, 'Icon', Wants To Know If You Miss Her
Kyle Buchanan · 08/21/08 08:00PMThough the new 90210 has booked Jennie Garth for a major recurring role and relegated Shannen Doherty to only a handful of episodes, it's the latter who merits "icon" status according to this brand-new CW promo. In it, Doherty shows up in special new footage taped just for you (but not for you, Tori), coyly flipping her hair as she asks the camera, "Miss me?" While we do, Shannen, we must remind you that there's someone in the 90210 cast who tops even you in our estimation: Jessica Walter, aka Lucille freakin' Bluth. While we're certain that she's the last actor the CW cares to build a promo around (even Mark the Cobrasnake would probably get one first), to us, she's the show's true, alcoholic icon. CW, hear our cry for footage of Walter, or we'll be forced to mount a "Save our Bluths" campaign the likes of which even EW cannot contain. [The CW]