
Reader Email: But Only Late at Night and Coked Up Edition

Jesse · 07/22/05 01:00PM

Today's Daily Candy installment flacks for a giant game of water-gun Assassin, sure to be popular in Williamsburg and almost nowhere else, that's coming to the city next week. This raises many good questions, but the one a Candy reader emails to ask is:

DailyCandy Spring Survey: Like Rush But Subtle

Jessica · 05/11/05 08:40AM

What they don't tell you: By choosing the first option, you're automatically blacklisted from the DailyCandy email servers. But that's what you get for being poor and ugly, Debbie.

From Style To Semitism

Jessica · 03/09/05 11:22AM

What's Dani Levy's next step after bringing the best and coolest stuff to Manhattan's stylish ladies? Healing the historical rift between Germans and Jews after the former tried to, like, anihilate the latter, of course.

In case of hangover

Gawker · 03/17/03 12:06PM

Journalists and media people should fully appreciate today's Daily Candy contribution to the overall health and welfare of Manhattanites: a list of preventative hangover measures. [Ed. noteI promised I'd stop making "drunken hack" jokes if it got old...Oh, who are we kidding? It never does.] Things to take before you go drinking: vitamin B complex, milk thistle, and anti-oxidents. Aaron Bailey adds: two codeine "imported" from Canada upon returning home.
File under 'If I had only known then' [601am]
Sin and bear it [Daily Candy]


Gawker · 02/15/03 02:18PM

Daily Candy discusses Rick Marin's book, Cad: Confessions of a Toxic Bachelor. which they note hits stores today. (Actually, it's been in the Union Square B&N for a couple of weeks.) Marin's take on bachelorhood: "No guy wants to be alone. We want to be with other women. Then when we're out with other women we want to be alone. That was the problem."

Cad: Confessions of a Toxic Bachelor

A rogue by any other name. [Daily Candy]

Ladies who launder

Gawker · 02/11/03 12:02PM

For $1.50 a pound, Ladies Who Launder will pick up your laundry, custom clean it per your requests, and deliver it the same day gift packaged in leopard print tissue paper.
Hanging out to dry [Daily Candy]