
Predators Become Prey

cityfile · 12/01/09 12:36PM

Meeting that special someone on the World Wide Web just got .00001% less skeevy! Attorney General Andrew Cuomo reports that as part of a new state law enacted last year, some 3,500 sex offenders have been booted off of Facebook and MySpace, including 659 people who live in New York City. [NBC]

How-Tuesday: Dating a Celebrity

Whitney Jefferson · 11/10/09 11:00AM

Ever wanted to date a celebrity? Sure, we all have. Here's an instructional video on how to turn your dream into a reality.

Dating in NYC Has Its Advantages

cityfile · 08/31/09 08:41AM

It isn't easy being a single woman in New York City. Half the guys you meet are obnoxious and pretentious; the other half are unemployed and think it's perfectly reasonable to take you to Starbucks and Papaya King on a first date. Well, here's a useful reminder that as annoying as the NYC dating scene is, you should be thankful that you don't live in the suburbs. Since it's unlikely you'll be driving your car to meet your date at a restaurant, it's also unlikely that your date will end up stealing your car halfway through dinner. [NYDN]

Male Biological Clock a Reality

cityfile · 04/23/09 09:33AM

Guys: We understand that when you're in the early stages of a relationship, it's tempting to bring up the baby issue, especially if the big 30 isn't too far off. Some of your friends may even suggest making it clear on the first date that you need to start trying to have kids soon, because why waste time with someone who isn't serious about settling down? Just bear in mind that you might very well scare the girl off, since she can always put her eggs on ice and then marry some virile 25-year-old once she's established her career.

Setting a Deadline on Love

cityfile · 04/22/09 08:03AM

There's been a lot of talk lately about how this is the age of narcissism. But the age of humiliation would probably be a more apropos tag line for an era in which an apparently sane and gainfully employed woman can create a website to facilitate her desperate search to get a boyfriend within a year—and it doesn't even seem that bizarre! We can only hope that her actual wish is for a book deal or reality show, because that would be a lot less tragic. [CNN]

Finally, Single Women Learn the Error of Their Ways

cityfile · 04/15/09 08:10AM

You know what the world desperately needs? Another hastily-written, bandwagon-jumping dating manual that details all the ways in which single women must lie, fake, manipulate, and tie themselves up in knots so that some guy might consent to be their boyfriend. So yay for Rachel Greenwald—a Harvard MBA, no less—who has scraped what we hope to God is the final layer from the bottom of this tragic genre's barrel with the imaginatively-titled Why He Didn't Call You Back. Go on, aren't you dying to hear?

Calculating Male Interest in Seconds

cityfile · 03/25/09 07:30AM

Finally, science has come up with a truly useful tool for single women to use on their manhunt, and even better, it will negate the entire demoralizing industry of Greg Behrendt-style books. According to researchers, if a man makes eye contact with a woman for at least 8.2 seconds, he is just that into her; any less and you're wasting your precious time, risking your future happiness, and squandering any hope of marriage and babies! We suggest going out on Friday night with a large, conspicuous stopwatch in your hand, just to add an extra filter to any men who might be less than serious in their intentions. [DM]