
Photos from Marissa Mayer's "Sex and the City" screening

Owen Thomas · 05/31/08 12:30AM

CENTURY SAN FRANCISCO CENTRE 9 — Where are the girls? An event producer and I both nervously paced through the lobby. Where was Marissa Mayer? The Google executive had rented a theater for the 8:50 screening of Sex and the City, but she and 300 of her closest friends were nowhere to be seen. Late, of course — have you tried to walk the block-long distance between Mayer's Four Seasons penthouse and the Westfield Centre in a pair of Manolo Blahniks? Finally, I spotted someone I knew — gorgeous Googler Brittany Bohnet, girlfriend of Facebooker Dave Morin, above. ("People are saying I look like Charlotte," said Bohnet, pictured above. "Do you think so?" Yes. Cuter than Charlotte, actually.

Facebook making sure there's nowhere on the Web to hide

Owen Thomas · 05/09/08 03:20PM

Facebook's formal announcement of Facebook Connect is at once a transparently timed response to MySpace's announcement of partnerships with eBay and Twitter yesterday and the culmination of things the social network has been working on for ages. Facebook Connect, at its simplest, lets websites like Digg and Twitter integrate their users' activity into Facebook users' News Feeds. Those two companies, as well as Yahoo's Flickr and Google's Picasa, have been using Facebook Connect well before it was unveiled under that name. It cements Facebook's role as a central place to keep up with one's friends. Yet I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Kevin Rose gets chased by a sheep — film at 11

Jordan Golson · 03/24/08 01:20PM

Wine Library TV host Gary Vaynerchuk took an even more select subset of The 250 up to De Loach Vineyards in Santa Rosa for a wine tasting. Among the guests were Laughing Squid's Scott Beale, egoblogger Robert Scoble, Facebook evangelist Dave Morin, 4-Hour Workweek author Tim Ferriss and Digg's Kevin Rose. One of the tastings took place on a farm. On this farm there were some sheep. One of these sheep didn't like Kevin Rose very much — and chased him up a hill. Robert Scoble took photos. Scoble showed those photos to MadPod's James Donnelly, who filmed them and put the result on the Internet. Much to Rose's dismay, we are sure, we present that video to you.

SXSW bar crawl begins in earnest

Owen Thomas · 03/11/08 04:12AM

AUSTIN, TX — A confession: Between the rain pouring down and the rumors pouring in, I didn't even make it to the Austin Convention Center today for any of SXSW's official programming. A show veteran granted me absolution: "No one makes it to the third day." The third night, however, was not optional. The hot ticket: Facebook's Get.friends party at Pangaea. The Crush party at Six Lounge a half-block down Colorado Street was the chill-out alternative. Scott Kidder and I hopped between the two, snapping pictures all the while. Mazyar "Mazy" Kazerooni of OpenHulu fame joined up for the party tour. At Six, I found myself sandwiched between Sarah Lacy and Julia Allison, SXSW's two controversy magnets. Back at Pangaea, I spotted Dave McClure grooving ecstatically to BT, the electronica artist Facebook evangelist Dave Morin picked for the event. (Don't tell Morin: BT has a MySpace page.) The afterparty? It took so long to get going anywhere that we ended up having it outside on Colorado Street, where Wired's Megan McCarthy administered breathalyzer tests. More photos:

Happy birthday, Julia Allison, we're finding a new man for you

Nicholas Carlson · 02/20/08 01:30PM

Geek-loving cover girl Julia Allison turns 27 soon and all she wants — other than a MacBook Air and whole long list of stuff — is a boy, "tied with a red bow, like a new car for graduation." Knowing Julia's taste for geeks like Kevin Rose and some guy who used to run some video site, we figured: Who better to help Julia land a new man than Valleywag readers? So help her out and vote in our latest poll.

Is Facebook's developer guy flirting with MySpace?

Owen Thomas · 02/12/08 10:00AM

Facebooker Dave Morin, in this photo snapped at MySpace's San Francisco launch party last week, seems to be gazing longingly at Rupert Murdoch's rival social network. Could he be switching teams? "He seemed to be very friendly with a number of MySpace execs at their god-awful party last week," reports a tipster. "He turned up late and then they all seemed to leave
together to go off somewhere." It might be time for Morin, Facebook's senior platform manager, to make a move. Some developers respect his enthusiasm for Facebook's platform, but one told me, "He's in over his head."

Politics tangles Facebook-Google daters

Owen Thomas · 02/05/08 06:30PM

Google has found a photogenic spokesperson for its election-tracking effort: Brittany Bohnet. Yes, the same Brittany Bohnet who was, last we checked, dating Facebook evangelist Dave Morin. Yes, the same Facebook which is aggressively pushing its own elections coverage. What's that old rule about never talking work or politics on a date?

A week that calls for a chaser

Owen Thomas · 10/26/07 08:08PM

Would someone please shut down the Valley and lock the doors? I don't know if I can take another week like this. Seriously, can you remember another week filled with such drama? Microsoft showers Facebook with cash, making Mark Zuckerberg a paper billionaire — and turning Facebooker Dave Morin's relationship with a Googler into forbidden fruit. Meanwhile, venture capitalist David Hornik attempts to have an off-the-record conference in Hawaii and completely fails — because gossip will out. Gossip like BusinessWeek's Sarah Lacy throwing a drink at TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington, while his CEO, Heather Harde, stays up suspiciously late with WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg. Yahoo loses a devoted cheerleader and its top marketer. Larry Ellison tries to reel in BEA. Special correspondent Nick Douglas, meanwhile, demands I stop reading all of my favorite sites. I need something. Not a unicorn chaser. How about ....

Google and Facebook's cross-platform affair

Owen Thomas · 10/25/07 02:04PM

Now that Google has lost to Microsoft in the Great Facebook Battle of 2007, I imagine relations between the search giant and the $15 billion social network are only getting frostier. Facebook is continuing to poach Google's employees, for one. And Google plans to strike back by launching a platform for social applications next month. All that has to make things awkward for Dave Morin, Facebook's developer-platform manager.

Life at Facebook is one long meeting

Owen Thomas · 10/23/07 01:59PM

Who kicked up the stir about a possible all-hands meeting today at Facebook? Why, none other than Dave Morin, manager of Facebook's platform for third-party developers. Morin cancelled a keynote speech at the Facebook Developers Garage event in Vancouver scheduled for tonight, telling organizer Gerald Bauer that the reason was "an important internal meeting for the whole team." Now, that could mean just Morin's whole platform team, one supposes, but Morin didn't leave matters very clear. I'd ask someone at Facebook what's really going on. But it's the darnedest thing: I can't find anyone there right now. It seems they're all in a meeting.

Birthdays and beers for developers

Megan McCarthy · 10/12/07 03:49PM

If you're not drunk yet, you'll have plenty of opportunity to fix that this weekend. Start early, we say! Find your occasion on these top events from the Valleywag calendar: