
John Oliver on Daylight Saving Time: End It

Jay Hathaway · 03/09/15 09:00AM

On Sunday's Last Week Tonight, John Oliver devoted his "How Is This Still a Thing?" segment to the timely topic of Daylight Saving Time, which is ruining your morning as we speak. At least it will help you later, right? Nope, not really! How is this still a thing?

Choire · 10/29/07 08:20AM

You may want to ask yourself something in this, a week that represents the first expansion of "Daylight Saving Time" since 1987: Why do Clorox and 7-11 and Modell's and the all-powerful potato and oil lobbies want so desperately to make it dark in the morning for longer? Media outlets randomly report that we save either "10,000" or "100,000" barrels of oil a day on the "Daylight Saving" system, a number that is completely made-up, as neither Australia nor the U.S. has ever seen a reduction in energy use—and a simulation in Japan projected a rise in electricity use. The U.S. itself sees a rise in gasoline use during "Daylight Saving."