Want to abolish Daylight Saving Time because it's outdated and basically useless? Well, Oskaar from Reykjavik has one message for you: Fuck you, quibbling over one hour. He gets three hours of fucking sunlight a day!

This is a day in his life. Which you can't see, because it's pitch dark at 3 p.m. He would kill to walk his dog and drink his "fish shits" while the sun is still up, to stop sitting in front of "ultraviolent light" for hours each day to keep from going crazy.

This video was originally directed at Oskaar's cousin in Western Australia, where voters are considering adding Daylight Saving Time. Oskaar is obviously, loudly, Icelandicly in favor.

He's wrong, but he's enthusiastic in the way that only a man who consumes twice-daily fish shits can be, and that has to count for something.

Update: Either this is a total fake or he's just exaggerating. The sun rises at 9:20 and sets at 5 p.m. in Reykjavik today.

[h/t Digg]